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Copyright© 2016 Genevieve Yen All Rights Reserved

All affiliations of this piece of work should be written by me or it is counted as plagiarism. Should you find such a piece of plagiarism, please let me know e.g. any sequels, prequels, trilogies, etc. should be approved by me, if it is approved, I will let you guys know of such. I will credit everyone and everything that helped with this piece of work. Songs, people, movies, actors, actresses, quotes, etc.

Should you find any part of this story offensive to you, in any way, please delete, ignore or continue reading but skip that part. I will not be held responsible if you are offended. You have been warned that this may contain explicit, controversial content that may make some uncomfortable. Read at your own risk.

If you guys have any edits, manips, etc. pls let me know via pm on Wattpad and I will send you my email. Cussing is free on all of my works but if Wattpad reports your comment I will not be held responsible.

If you have/had helped with this work, and I did not credit you, please let me know and immediate action will be taken to credit you. Thank you for your kind attention and I apologize for this harsh note but it is to prevent plagiarism of mine and others' hard work.

I do not own any of the characters except Lolli and her father, and also the general plot-line. The rest of the characters, facts, places and spells, are owned by JK Rowling.

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