One Trick Pony

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1) It's something we all feel, 

That fear, pinching ourselves, 

Checking if this thing's real. 

2) We all wonder what part we've been cast,

The success story or the washed-up one-time hit? 

We all want to know how long this good  thing will last. 

3) We all speculate whether this blessing's too good to be true,

Could you improve, copy, do it on command?

Or is it a one off, only possible now, when it's new?

4) Sometimes people are arrogant; let their achievement go to their head,

Bore people with their repetitive showing off, predictable boasting,

Wouldn't it be nicer if they shared, taught others instead?

5) Sometimes people fail to recognize their value, despite the constant compliment,

They overwork, overestimate, expect too much, are never satisfied, 

 Wound't it be great if they got more support, encouragement?

6) Regardless of your skill, you still don't need to boast,

For however short-lived your talent happens to be,

It'll be you they'll remember and like the most.

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