The wrong Vial

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I walked down the beach with her. Hand in hand, silent as the wind blew the cold air from the water up to us. I heard nothing but our feet on the sand, and the sound of the wind whipping her hair around. It smelled strongly of salt water, but I could smell whatever she put in her hair.
Annabeth was dressed in a simple white dress, and was walking barefoot. Hair down. I was dressed in nice shirt and pants, also walking barefoot.
"Percy?" She said as she looked up at me. Those beautiful gray eyes sparkled in the sunset.
"Yes?" I replied.
"I love you and thanks for finally taking me out on a date, here in Italy," she said.
"All my pleasure," I replied. I bowed a bit and stuck a hand out, "M'Lady?"
She took my hand and I whirled her around. We danced silently along the shoreline. I heard a growl but I just thought it was my stomach.
Suddenly a gorgon leapt out from the bushes and went for Annabeth.
"Watch out!" I yelled.
She pulled out her sword she got from Tarturus but it was to late. The gorgon bit her leg as she slashed it to dust.
"GAHHHHHH" she screamed.
Two little vials poked out of the ashes. I grabbed one that looked about right and handed it to her.
"Here, drink this!!!" I yelled as I shoved it to her
"What if it's the wrong one?" She cried.
"I... I.... I don't know...." I cringed at my own words. Did that really just come out of my mouth? Couldn't I have said something like "If you go down, I go down with you."
"Here goes nothing," she chugged the vial. " No pain?" She questioned.
"Oh no! Wrong vial!!!!!" I screamed as I reached for the other vial. I looked over at her and her eyes were slowly closing as she started screaming in pain and fear.
I gave her the other bottle and she chugged that. Her pain momentarily stopped and she started screaming again.
"Both....... Both the vials were... Were wrong.....?!?!?" I whispered.
"Don't worry Annabeth I whispered in her ear as I scooped her up and went running down the beach.
She stopped screaming and her eyes started closing slowly. Her breathing slowed at a rapid pace.
"No no!!! Stay with me Annabeth!" I cried. "Everything is gonna be all right!"
I wish I knew for sure, but I knew deep down it wasn't gonna be alright.
"Percy," she croaked just barely above a whisper.
"Yes Annabeth?" I whispered back.
"3 things, I love you more than you can ever think of, I want to be buried at CHB, and I'm not gonna make it so do me one last favor.... Get every gorgon back for me please. And don't let anyone take my stuff. You get it all."
"No, y... you can't go..." I said as the silent tears burned my eyes and streamed down my cheeks.
She started crying too and reached up to my face. "Stop running, you'll never make it in time." She cried. She moved my wild hair back.
We both leaned in towards each other. We kissed. It was a slow, soft, tender kiss. She looked up at me and brushed a tear away from my cheek, as I did the same to hers.
"I love you," we both said at the same time as her eyes lost there shine and glazed over. She finally closed them for the last time looking at me and the sunset.
I cried. I fell slowly to my knees and put her down on the sand before me. I cried loudly and the tears just kept coming. I cried till it got dark out and too dangerous to go anywhere but CHB.
I met up with Hazel back in downtown Italy. I carried Annabeth and once Hazel and the others saw, a massacre of cries broke out. I carefully handed her to Hazel as we all shadow traveled back to Annabeths place.
I explained to her parents hoping he would blame me. But he didn't.
We took her to camp half blood and painfully slowly did our "ritual"/funeral.
I had heard Medusa reformed in Tarturus and she has a army of gorgon a with her.
The next morning I packed and set out on a journey with my crew to kill all Gorgons and to make sure they never reform ever again.
Annabeth is a strong woman, I thought. She survived gorgon venom longer than anyone ever. And I'm going to avenge her, I thought as we set off on our journey.

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