Chapter 1 : Farlan

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Seleanna was walking through a long musky stone brick corridor. Her bare feet were making sounds against the moist stone. Her long puffy orange dress scraped against her knees as she marched through the gaping tunnel. Her long black hair brushed against her ankles.
What is this place?  She wondered briskly. She scratched her chin thoughtfully. Seleanna thought the hall would never end but alas, she was wrong.
She stepped out onto a long winding cobblestone path surrounded on both sides by bright yellow flowers that seemed to gleam in the sun light.
I think these are called buttercups. Hmm...what an odd name. Are they laced with fine silky butter? Or perhaps they taste like butterscotch candies? She thought. Perhaps it's just their colour.
As the long winding road continued, a rickety old bridge over a rushing river came into sight before her. She kept walking and eventually found herself in front of the crossing. The wood looked old and worn down by wind and harsh weather.
She cautiously put her small foot on the first plank, but a loud creak resonated from the plank beneath her barren toes. She took a deep breath and gathered her courage as she took another step. Seleanna heard yet another creak and swiftly ran across the bridge in fear of it falling under her weight.
As she landed on the soft grass at the other side of the bridge, there was a loud crash behind her and she turned around to see the structure slowly sinking into the rapids. Her blood ran cold as she imagined herself on the bridge...slowly descending into the thick waves that would surely engulf her without mercy. She shuddered at the thought.
Seleanna turned her back and looked ahead to see a large cherry blossom tree. She slowly walked over to its trunk and sat, her feet crisscrossed as she rested her back on the scratchy bark. She sigh contently at the relief of not having to walk any longer.
Suddenly, a bush behind the trunk of the tree rustled. She peered around the trunk and came face to face with a light grey hare in a grey vest. She yelped in surprise and jumped back. She hid behind the wide tree trunk. The hare fell back in surprise. She hid behind the tree and the hare managed to calm himself down.
He picked himself up and brushed off his vest. There was a small pocket above his heart with a gold chain hanging down. He also had a rapier with a gold handle in a sheen black scabbard at his waist.
He looked around and took a very small step towards her, calling out softly,
"There's no need to be alarmed miss, I mean you no harm,"
She mustered her courage and slowly stepped out from behind the tree trunk.
     She spoke softly, her voice quavering in slight fear,
     The hare smiled at her; it was a rather comforting smile that stretched from ear to fuzzy grey ear.
"I do apologize miss, I had no intention of scaring you, I was merely on patrol. Might I ask for your name miss?" He asked rather kindly as he oddly stood upright like a human. He was as tall as her, but then again she wasn't very tall -- due to the fact that she was merely 10 years of age.
"I'm Seleanna," She answered meekly, "Seleanna Salamanner, and you are?"
He put his paw out,
"I'm Exavier, Exavier Revolt. It's a pleasure to meet you miss Salamanner,"
     Seleanna politely shook his paw,
"The pleasure is all mine Exavier, and you can just call me Selena,"
As she finished her sentence a low growl emerged from the thick forest a short distance away. It was barely audible but with his exceptional hearing Exavier heard the growl and quickly reacted.
"" He whispered as he drew his rapier. His knees bending further as he took an offensive stance.
Seleanna's eyes widened and she quickly ran into the lush green forest opposite where the growl had sounded.
     As she thundered through the greenery she heard the faint sound of another growl. It sounded like a panther -- although Seleanna had never heard a panther before, she was merely guessing. She continued running till she tripped on a root of a rather large oak tree, and as her face neared the earth her head hit against a large rock and her vision went black. She was knocked out cold.

Exavier knew exactly what the creature before him was. It was no Panther, rather it was something much much worse. It was a rather large creature with silky black fur and long sharp teeth. It's claws dug into the soft earth as it snarled at Exavier.
The creature was a Tarlenn. A creature that very much resembled a panther but it's claws, teeth, blood, and saliva are all extremely toxic, like pure acid.
Exavier held his sword at the ready as the Tarlenn slowly approached. The Tarlenn leaped at him -- it's claws outstretched -- and as the Tarlenn got closer Exavier raised his rapier and met the panther-esc creature with the tip of his blade. His rapier pierced the thick hide of the Tarlenn and went straight through its heart. The dead Tarlenn hit the ground with a satisfying thud and Exavier removed his blade from the creature.
Even in death the creatures coat still shinned like a black diamond. Exavier wiped the blood of the creature that remained on his blade on the ground and sheathed his rapier. The gold handle shimmering in the light of day. He made his way through the forest; following Seleanna's footprints.
Exavier's eyes widened as he saw Seleanna. She was laying on her stomach on the ground. There was a sharp rock to the right of her head and small traces of blood on the right side of her skull. He pieced the evidence together and checked her neck and wrist for a pulse. He sighed with relief,
Thank god she's alright... He thought as he carefully picked her up. One grey furry arm under her back and the other under the back of her knees. He marched off trough the forest with Seleanna unconscious in his arms.

Please let me know if there's any grammar, punctuation or spelling mistakes.
Thank you,

Off In A Far Land حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن