jack and alex

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The back of the bus was tense as the four band mates sat there with their manager, Matt, starring at them. Well, more just starring at Jack and Alex. The two had been on the outs for the entire tour and nobody knew why except the two.

If you asked Jack, it was completely Alex's fault. He'd overreacted and took one drunken kiss too far. It was just a kiss, what was the big deal? It's not like Alex didn't know Jack kissed guys before. Jack would kiss anyone if he was drunk enough.

Alex thought otherwise. It wasn't that he was upset about the drunken kiss with Jack, but more upset that it was just a drunken kiss. Alex had liked Jack - not since they were kids like all the fans thought - but more recently. He didn't know what came over him but when ever Jack was around, he was feeling more toward the guitarist.

"Is anyone going to tell me what the fuck is going on? I leave for ten minutes and come back to Jack having a fucking busted lip," Matt looked at Alex accusingly. "what's going on with you two?"

When Matt was met with silence Rian took the chance to speak up. "Seriously, you guys have been on the outs and that wasn't really our business but it is our business when you start throwing punches at each other."

"I didn't punch Alex, he fucking punched me." Jack crossed his arms. The least his band mates could have done was let him get one hit back on the fucker. 

Matt shook his head at the four sweaty boys. It was post show and frankly he was pissed because the show fucking sucked. Without Jack and Alex's banter toward each other, the live shows were lacking.

Alex let out a groan, "I wouldn't fucking have punched you if you weren't a fucking dick."

"I wasn't even near you Alex," Jack scowled at the brunette, "I was talking to some girl near the back of the bus and then you showed up being a proud asshole like you have been this entire tour."

Alex rolled his eyes, "I'm proud? You were proud enough to think I'd actually like when you fucking kissed me!" The three others in the room widened their eyes as Alex realized exactly what he'd just admit.

Jack stood up, "Nice fucking going." Nobody stopped him as he walked off toward the front of the bus, they just starred with confused looks.

"You two kissed? Like on the lips?" Zack asked quietly, starring at the singer for some kind of explanation Of course, he was stubborn as always and stood up and stormed off toward his bunk.


"It's been a week and nobody will fucking tell us what's happened and I'm not trying to be nosy but seriously, I can't live like this." Rian sighed heavily to Zack.

Zack agreed completely. Since they'd found out about Alex and Jack's supposed kiss, it was almost unbearable to be on the bus with the two of them. They didn't talk, hell, they didn't even fight and Zack was thinking that might be better than anything.

Rian watched the bassist do a few more push ups before he got up and took a swig from his water bottle. "I'm pretty sure shit's gonna go down tonight though." the sweatier of the two breathed.


"We have a hotel and Matt roomed them together so they'd be forced to talk. Although, I have a feeling their probably just gonna scream at each other." Zack explained.

Matt climbed off the bus at that point, "C'mon we have sound check."


After the show the anxiety was slightly higher in Matt's bones. The band and crew of All Time Low were in the lobby waiting for Matt to give hem their hotel room keys. Normally it was no big deal, except this time it meant Jack and Alex were rooming.

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