Halloween party

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Why did I agree to come to this stupid Halloween party' I thought as I looked around the great hall 'I'm not even a wizard but no Harry insisted it was time I started to get to know more about his life in the wizarding world, and anyway I have met all his friends, I mean I don't need to see everywhere he's been'

    "They allow muggles in now" says a snotty sounding voice behind me, turning around I see a beautiful man about my age, long blond hair and green eyes , and obviously has a mood as killer as his looks.

"You must be Draco" I say "I'm Dudley,  Harry's cousin" I say and stick out my hand, he just looks at it, like there was no way he was going touch the hand of a non magic person like myself,  so I grab his hand and shake it

   "Don't touch me" Draco says and pulls his hand back, his other hand holding on tight to a wine glass

   "Sorry, sorry" I say and put my hands up in defeat, he just nods and keeps on walking, I sigh and watch him go with a swish of his robes

   "He's hot isn't he" I look over to see Ginny also ogling at his retreating back "I wouldn't let Harry catch you saying that" I laugh

   "Oh please he thinks so too" she laughs, I smile thinking that my cousin couldn't have picked a better wife

   "You know he's a single father who must be very lonely at night, and I heard that his marriage ended because he came out" she says in a matter of fact tone, but a big knowing grin on her face.

  "Even if I was Interested, I think he would date one of the gargoyles before a "muggle" I say, she looks at me.

  "Dudley you have had the bravado to turn your back on your own mum and dad, all your former friends, and fought  to be a rugby star, and I also know that Harry's taken you to the ministry to talk to the minister about letting non magic users play Quidditch,  but you don't even have a big enough pair  to ask someone to take a stroll with you? You know you and Harry are exactly the same" she says shaking her head her long orange hair swishing back and forth as she does.

  I sigh "you know everyday I get around you the more I'm reminded that I am definitely pansexual" I say and she laughs

   "Oh and if I were single or Harry would do a threesome I would be riding your broomstick every night" she says grinning "but alas that is never going to happen and you need someone, and there's someone" she says pointing towards Draco

   "You just go outside I will somehow usher Draco outside that way you can talk away from all noseys" she says and pushes me towards the exit, I sigh and do as I'm told, because I've learned from the minute I met her not to talk back to her because I won't win'

   It feels like forever before Draco comes outside, and when he sees me he sighs "Weasley" he growls and starts heading back inside

  "Wait" i says and he turns to look at me his eyes seeming to pierce me all the way to my soul.

  "What" he asks

  "Would you please go on a stroll with me" I say stupidly my face on fire .

He looks at me his own face turning scarlet, he comes over to me and puts a piece of paper in my hands, gives me a quick kiss then turns tail back into the castle. I stand there dumbly for a few minutes before looking at the note

      "3 broomsticks tomorrow 8:00pm" is all it said and I couldn't be more excited.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2016 ⏰

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