The Dance

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(This is for catie106 's Fanfiction, Star or Stalker, please check it out when you have the chance!!)

I adjusted my collar and patted down my shirt. I glanced over to my left at Sota and his date then glanced over to my right at Hayate and his date. We all walked behind Suki-chan and Taiki. While the rest of us were still pretty disappointed that she didn't pick any one of us, we know that in the end it was her decision. If she had given me a chance perhaps I could have shown her what a pair we could be. But she never gave me that chance, so Taiki-kun wins the girl.
"Yudai-san?" Toru said, interrupting my train of thought, "Are you even listening to me?" He asked
I smiled and shook my head, "Sorry, Toru-san, what was that?" I asked him as the entrance to the party came into view, it's soft pop music filling my ears.
Toru sighed a bit, "I asked why you look so nervous. You've readjusted your shirt five times since we got out of the car, and you're sweating." He pointed out.
I sifted a sigh and shrugged, "Nervous? Why would I be nervous?" I asked him.
Hayate turned to me and flashed me a smile, "Maybe he's afraid he'll meet a girl there" he teased lightly.
Sota laughed and shook his head, "Oh Yudai-san, you always worry about the littlest thing. Everything will be fine" he reassured.
"I'm not nervous, or afraid, or worried" I said defensively. "I just want to look my best, we are going to have a lot of attention on us" I pointed out, although that was only a bit of the truth. I wasn't worried about one girl I might be attracted to, I was worried about everyone else there. They are all going to be watching me, I need to make sure all my actions are executed flawlessly. Everything needs to go perfect. If I mess up one thing, all of Japan will know.
"Well, just enjoy yourself, okay Yudai-san?" Taiki spoke up, keeping his arms linked with his date.
I simply nodded and as we walked through the doors, the noise blared into my ear. People were already on the dance floor, over by the punch area, all over the place. I looked around for a place that wasn't heavily populated, it seemed that there was nowhere to escape to. Sota, Hayate and Taiki had already been dragged onto the dance floor so it was just me and Toru.
Toru turned to me and I saw his mouth open, as if he was trying to say something to me but the sounds of everyone around us along with the music made it impossible for me to hear him. "What?!" I cried out and got closer to him.
"Let's go get punch!" He yelled out in response. I nodded my head and we both walked over to the punch. I poured a cup for Toru as well as myself and we stood there watching the three couples dance... Well Sota was dancing, Hayate however wasn't.  The poor thing was shaking like a leaf with his date. Toru and I exchanged sympathetic looks. As I went for my second glass of punch, I stopped.
She was beautiful. Her white dress flowed freely to her knees and her hair was in a perfect ponytail, not a single hair out of place. Her mere presence knocked the wind out of me and I held onto my glass so tightly I was surprised it hadn't shattered in my hand. She was with a few of her other friends, while they were beautiful in their own right, the girl in the white dress held my attention.
"Oh~ Yudai-san.... Who's this?" Toru's voice was enough to make me jump to an inhuman height.
Clutching my heart, as it was going a mile a minute, I turned to Toru, "What was that for?!" I practically cried out.
He simply laughed at me and looked at the girl who had taken my breath away, "Oi, she's a cutie isn't she" he pointed out.
"Y-yeah... She is..." I stammered out, why was I so nervous? She hadn't even... Oh my god... She's looking this way.. I can't, help Toru, I don't want to be here.
I kept a firm grip on my punch as I quickly looked over at Toru, "C-come on... Let's go dance" I said quickly, hoping Toru didn't see my shakiness.
"Ah, come on Yudai-san, I know you like her. Go ask her for a dance, not me. I mean I love you and all, but not in that way" he laughed.
Just as I was about to protest, my feet tripped over each other, I let out a scream before landing on a warm body. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I.." I froze, the woman underneath me was none other than... The girl in the white dress. Heat rose to my face as I hastened to stand, "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry!!" I said, bowing to her. I looked down at her and her now red dress. I was expecting her to be furious, I had just ruined one of her dresses, a white one at that. "I can replace that dress for you!" I said quickly.
I waited for her to yell at me or to cry, but to my surprise she was laughing. Here was this beautiful young lady, tackled down to the ground by this strange man with a soaked dress, lying on the ground laughing. "It's okay" she spoke out at last. I held out my hand to help her up and she graciously took it. "It's an old dress, I can live without it" she giggled. I kept a light grip on her hand as I laughed with her, I don't know why I held it but it felt so nice. "Would you like to dance?"
I froze, "I...what was that... I Ah.... Didn't hear you" i stammered, certainly I heard her wrong.
"Would you like to dance?" She asked, louder this time. I glanced over at Toru, who was standing there with his thumbs up, then looked back at her.
"Yes!" I said with a nod and a grin that probably made me look like an idiot. But I didn't care at that point, I didn't have time to care regardless as she kept my hand and dragged me over to the dance floor where we were able to dance to the upbeat song.
Suddenly, the mood of the song shifted. It was a much slower song. I looked up at the stage and saw a mysterious man with a mask. It took me a second to clue in on who was performing. Claquepot, or Taiki Kudo. He was performing on stage with a mask, as nobody was supposed to know it was him.
I looked down at the girl in the red dress as I pulled her a bit closer, ready to stop the moment she looked uncomfortable, but to my surprise she flashed me a smile as well and pulled me even closer to her. Close enough for her head to rest on my shoulder. We swayed to the song as I felt her sing the verses of the song into my shoulder. I hesitantly added my own voice to her own and a smile curled upon her perfect face.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2016 ⏰

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