One More Drink

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tentacleTherapist began pestering grimAuxiliatrix at 2:35 am

TT: hey Kanata...

TT: Kanaya*

GA: Oh. Good Evening Rose. How Are You This Evening?

TT: fine...

GA: Are You Quite Alright?

GA: You Do Not Seem Yourself.

TT: yeah.

TT: im fimr

TT: finr*

TT: fine*

GA: Rose? Have You Been Drinking Again?

TT: ...

TT: maybe?

GA: Do Not Lie To Me, Please. You Are Aware That I Care For You, Correct?

TT: yeah...

TT: ok ok ive been drinkinf...

TT: drinking*

TT: but only a littlr!

TT: little*

GA: Only A Little?

GA: I'll Be Over In A Few Minutes.

grimAuxiliatrix ceased trolling tentacleTherapist at 2:50 am

Kanaya logged out of Pesterchum. She slowly gets out of bed, walking over to her dresser and putting on a clean change of clothes. As she turns off the light she had no choice but to wonder... Rose hadn't had a drink in weeks. What was her motivation this time?

The curious troll makes her way out the door and to the human girl's unit of establishment. Mere minutes pass before Kanaya finds herself on her lover's front porch. With a steady hand she knocked gingerly on the wooden door.

 "C-coming!" Was the slurring voice's reply.

The door opened. Kanaya stepped back so it wouldn't hit her since this door opened outward. Standing in the doorway was Rose. Her eyes were lidded and she seemed... Well it was a bit too obvious she was drunk. Her scent was strong with alcohol and Rose looked to have trouble standing on her own.

Kanaya stepped forward to the wobbling girl. "O-oh my Goodness... Rose? What Happened To You? You Haven't Had A Drink In Months..."

Rose shrugged. "I-... D-don't -hic-... I dunno Kanaya..." 

"So." Kanaya walks into the house, which also smelt of booze. "Let's Sit Down Shall We?"

"Ok..." Rose mumbles, following Kanaya to the love-seat in the living room.

Kanaya took a seat. She looked up and the stumbling Rose and she pulled her down into her lap. Rose's skin was a bit cold and she did look a bit paler than usual. Surely this wasn't a good thing for human health. Kanaya reached behind her. The motherly troll wraps her sash around the shivering human's shoulders. But that was of no help...

"K-Kanaya?" Rose asked, looking up at her matesprit.

"Yes Rose?" Kanaya replied with a half-smile.

"I don't -hic-... I d-don't feel g-good... -hic-"

Kanaya's smile fades quickly. She watched as the drunk girl reached down onto the floor. She picked up a liquor bottle. Rose brought it to her lips. Bit Kanaya quickly grabbed it away. This drinking problem has gone to far and she did not want to have her matesprit dead. Rose's eyes fill with tears. She looked up at Kanaya, hopefully.

"Please... O-one -hic-... One more drink..."

Kanaya sighs, hugging Rose close to her. "You Know I Love You Rose... And If You Drink Anymore You Will Die..."

The troll watches the tears rolling down Rose's pale face. Rose narrowed her eyes, quickly snatching the bottle away from Kanaya and into her own cold, clammy hands. She took a few swigs of the drink before setting the now empty bottle onto the floor. She hiccups, blushing a bit. Rose wiped her eyes.

"See? I-I'm fine... -hic-..."

Nearly seconds after saying this Rose turned away from Kanaya, throwing up onto the carpeted flooring. Kanaya bit her lip. She wiped the girl's mouth and looked into her eyes, a serious expression on her face.

"Please Rose... You Need Medical Attention..."

"No I don-..."

Rose rolled off of Kanaya's lap and onto the floor, landing mere inches from her vomit. Troll's eyes widen and she knelt down onto the floor beside the fallen Rose. She picked her up, brushing the blonde bangs from her eyes. She caressed Rose's cheek with her thumb.

"R-Rose? A-are You Alright Dear?"

There was no reply.


Kanaya's heart began beating twice the average speed. The worried troll pressed a kiss to the forehead of her matesprit. Her body temperature was cold. Kanaya took Rose's hand into hers, interlocking their fingers. She gave her hand a slight squeeze.

"Rose? Please... Please Answer Me..."

Kanaya felt the sting of the Jade tears in the corners of her eyes. She tried wiping them away. But with no avail... Kanaya began to cry. Her silent sobs causing her body to shake and quiver. She holds Rose close to her, pressing her head to her warm chest.

"Rose! Rose... Wake Up Please... Stay With Me... Please..."

The human girl did not flinch. Kanaya bit her bottom lip. The tears now leaving water-stains on her grey cheeks. She glanced down at the limp body in her arms. With a heavy heart she sets Rose down. Kanaya bent down and placed a kiss to Rose's chapped but soft lips.

She wiped her eyes and slowly brings herself to her feet. Kanaya shook slightly, finding it hard to stand. So she sat back down once again. Just looking at Rose was more than enough to earn yet another run of tears for this troll. She wraps her arms around Rose, weeping onto her shoulder.

"I Love You Rose..." She whispered into the girl's ear.

"Dead Or Alive... I Always Will..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2013 ⏰

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