chapter 1

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Kirsten's p.o.v.:

Today is my first day working at Arkham Asylum as a pschycatrist. I heard that it's someone else's too.
The Jokers is back.
Since it's my first day I can choose who I want to treat. I will and have to start with The Joker. It's just something about him that fascinates me and pulls me towards him.


The room itself is dark, sound proof and so quiet, that any other insane person would freak out. There is one big white table and a chair on each side. I guess the big and soft one is for me, and the small and uneasy white one for the patients.

There is also a file cabinet next to the wall. I pull out Joker's file amd put it on the table to read it later. I get some pens and notebooks out of my bag and put them on the table. I walk out of my office to tell the warden that I want to treat The Joker.

"Ms. Ruth, I would like The Joker to be my first patient." I state as soon as I walk trough the door, into her office. The main office.

"You can't handle him, even my best people couldn't do it."

She anwsered with a voice as cold as ice, showing no emotion so ever.

"Just give me one chance, I know I can do it. What do we have to lose?" I ask her. My voice is confident because I know I can make him normal again.
I just want to know why he is the way he is.

"I'm going to give you one chance, but only because you seem very determinded and ver sure avout your decision" she said briefly.

"Just a small warning. Most people that tried to treat The Joker turned absolutely crazy. They are also admitted to Arkham."

"You have 2 weeks to back out. If  you go 2 weeks without backing out you either treat him or become like him."

"...And I'm guessing the second option, because you can't fix something that came out broken from the factory." She says harsh.

"His sessions are evryday. Goodluck" she warns me with her stone cold looking signature.

"Thank you so much!! I promise I won't let you down!" I thank her with a smile on my face.

This is it. I can finally solve the mystery named Joker. I didn't say "try", because I know I can do it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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