My psychopath parents

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It was a cold night as usual, as I was chained above the acid tank. It was a usual routine for me so I didn't care much. Mommy and daddy had said this would be my last dunking before I could go with them on one of  there heists. I couldn't wait, I was so happy. The timer hit zero again and my body was dropped back into the tank.

I didn't struggle but instead laughed. I laughed as loud as I could, Letting the acid poor into my lungs. It burned like hell, but I loved it. As the chains started going back up, I kept laughing, letting it echo through my room. One of the henchmen came and undid the chains as a voice boomed through the room.

"Oh pumpkin! we're back!" Mommy shouted as she came in with daddy and a unconscious man.

"Mommy! Daddy!" I ran up to them as daddy picked me up.

"sugar bear did you finish your dunking's for the day?" he smiled.

I looked up and smiled at him. "Yup! so that means that i can go with you to your next heist, right?"

he laughed his maniacal laugh as he spun me around in his arms. I giggled.

"But of course my little devil! Then we might be able to show you our friend batman."

I smiled as mommy took me out of daddy's arms and took me to change my clothes.

"Come on pumpkin, Lets go get you ready for your first heist! Oh this will be our first family outing!" mommy smiled as we skipped happily to my clothes.

She looked through my clothes until she found the perfect thing. Mommy shoed me to the bathroom to put on the clothes as she would do my hair next.

My clothing was designed to look like mommy's old outfit with the main colors being red and black. I always loved her old costume.

Mommy put my hair in pigtail like hers with red and the end of my black hair. When she was done putting my make up on, she stood up and smiled her biggest smile.

"Oh pumpkin you look so devilishly beautiful! come on lets go show your daddy how you look and then we can go, ok."

I smiled and nodded. "ok momma".

*End of flashback*

 It has been five years since I joined my parents in the fun of there crimes. Right now we were fighting batsy and his friends. Dad was laughing along with mom as they started fighting with the super heroes.

I giggled at the whole scene from the top of the roof. The only one of the heroes who knows of my existence is batsy himself.

No one else knows about me. Until now. I stood up and jumped of the building.  cat women, my mom's friend, had taught me this trick so many times. At the last minute I rolled and dropped in front of the heroes and my parents.

 I started laughing my maniacal laugh as I held my two knifes in hand. crossed against my chest.The heroes were astonished as my parents laughed from behind me. batsy just kept a stoic face the whole time.

"Batsy friends, I like you to meet trickster, Our daughter." mom giggled as she leaned onto dad.

I smiled at them before I started to attack them all at once. In the end I had  slashed batsy on the cheek, wonder women was on the ground, and super man was bleeding from his arm.

 It  was all going great till that mean flash took away my daggers. I pouted.

"Aww you took my toys away! No matter I still have a few tricks up my sleeve!" I smirked as my hands started to light up in flames.

The heroes were astonished as my hand were in flames. I could here my parents at the back laughing like maniacs. . or like themselves. My Dad was the one to speak first.

"I bet your surprised of my wicked little princess's abilities huh. Well lets just say she had a acid bath to many that she has become queen to the elements." Dad said as he stood beside me with my mom by his side.

"sugar bear, show our friends what you can do ok? we'll meet you back at the house. Don't take to long now." Dad called as him and mom ran. 

I giggled. "With pleasure."

Before any of the heroes could run after my parents, I quickly blew my ice breath at them. Batman, superman, and wonder women were frozen in the ice from neck to toe. The flash tried to grab me by surprise but  I quickly blew fire on his feet till he ran into my vine trap. Ivy had showed me how to do that.

I had trapped all four heroes in the nick of time since my head started to ache. Every time I would use all my powers at once, my vision would get blurry and I would start having memory loss, or start remembering old memories. And it didn't help that I had gotten into a street fight with a few thugs before I came hear.

I quickly started running away before any of the heroes could catch up to me.  I had gotten to the end of the street were I would be able to jump from roof top to roof top. But before I could do that I started to hear footsteps running my way.

"Damn! the heroes are following me," I hissed as the headaches were beginning.

I held my head and ran faster, but I was no match for the flash. He held me in a death grip and wouldn't let me go.

"Let me go, you meany!" I yelled as my vision was getting blurry.

"No can do trickster. looks like you'll be hanging here with us for a while." he grunted as he struggled to hold me still.

I thrashed and I tried to summon one of my powers but I was to weak to Use any of them. The other heroes were coming closer just as the final shock wave of pain rushed over my body. I screamed in pain before everything around me went black.

                                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up with a splitting headache and a beeping sound. I stood up straight in what seemed to be a hospital bed when the door to the room I was in opened. In came Six people who's names I knew for some reason. Superman, Batman, Wonder women, The flash, Green Arrow, and Black canary.

 All of them surrounded the bed as I held my head for a bit. I looked up for a second until I spoke up.

"What happened? where am I? and why can't I remember anything at the moment?" I questioned.

" Do you remember who you are?" Batman asked me.

I though really hard till my head hurted.

" I'm. . I'm the . . .Joker's daughter. . . right?"

"Yes you are but we have discovered that with all the acids your body had been exposed to, that it had turned you to insanity like your parents." Wonder women said.

I nodded along as I thought for a second.

"don't I also have powers?" I questioned.

They all nodded.

"Yes the acid has given you powers of the elements too," Superman answered.

"Do. . .Do I. . have to go back to my parents," I asked scared.

With the way they talked about them, my parents sounded terrible. The heroes gave me pity looks till wonder woman spoke.

" You don't have to. You can become a hero and be my protégé." She smiled at me.

I smiled the biggest smiled ever as I hugged her by surprise.

"Thank you, wonder women," I smiled.

She chuckled, "No problem sweets."

I let go of her and looked at the other heroes with smiles. They returned them back, even Batman cracked a smile too. I couldn't remember anything other then my parents names, but I didn't care.

I had a new family, A superhero family at that, with wonder women as my mentor. I couldn't wait! Devon Quinn is the new protégé of wonder women.

Thanks for reading!! comment if you want me to keep writing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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