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A masked figured appeared with a black dragon with a red tail fin.

"Welcome Hiccup Haddock III, you are going to watch your past adventures with some people. I am going to bring Berkians from the dragon raid that you shot down Toothless. Your mask is fitted with a voice change; it makes your voice sound different. You are allowed to tell the future but not yet about whom you are just yet. Berkians from your time and the trained dragons will arrive shortly. Everyone apart from Eret is wearing a mask and a voice change. The dragons are safe to mingle with the past Berkians since I'll be taking their weapons and the ability to fight. The Missing Dragon Eye is being returned to you for this session so you can study with the dragons. The dragons can speak Norse. I forget to tell you about my name, Destiny"

"Alright, can you bring the Berkians from my time here first please?" Hiccup said.

"Alright, here you go" I said flashing in a village and dragons.

"HICCUP" shouted equal pitch voices of Astrid Hofferson and Valka Haddock.

"Hi guys, we are watching our past adventures with the past us before the raid that I shot down Toothless. Destiny said that we have these masks to disguise our voices. The dragons are safe to mingle since she is taking away the younger Berkians' weapons and the ability to fight. Eret you don't need to wear one since no one would know you. Bear in mind that we can tell the future by not who we are just yet I think "said Hiccup address the crowd like the chief he is.

"Alright" was the chorus of the gathering.

"Excellent, now meet your past selves" I said clicking my fingers.

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