Guess im doing this

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ilovethegriers screw you, now i gotta tell random ppl bout my life. Lol jk lets do this.

1. I legit hate the dark. I have a straight up panic attack unless I'm holding onto somebody when the lights go out and don't let them go until they're back on. It freaks me out to not know whats happening.

2. When I was really young, I accidentally lit myself on fire. Lol don't judge me.

3. A girl was once dared to date me for 2 months...and did it. I had no idea xD that was legit horrible to find out but i just laugh when I think bout it now.

4. I once failed an open book test. My response to my mother when she freaked out and asked how you fail an open book test was "You don't open the book."

5. Teachers have been known to pass me in classes because the don't like me.

6. For some reason, almost nobody that i have met likes me right off the bat. Like they just straight up hate me. It can take up to weeks for them them to start to think differently. Example ilovethegriers thought i was annoying and an escapee from prison the first time we met. Now we're great friends.

7. I honestly hate it when people say they hate someone, then act like their best friend.

8. I once managed to cut my hand open on the rubber case of an Ipad, yep...thats...thats a thing that happened...rubber...

9. When i was younger, I used to think all movies were live and the actors in said film had to act out the movie over and over again. I would watch a movie 5 times in a row to try and see any differences.

10. My face is naturally really really red and I'm super self conscious about it and hate when people talk about it.

11. Im absolutely horrible at making lists if you haven't noticed lol

12. I basically lived at a friends house 2 summers ago, i went home to shower every ither day then id go right back over xD

13. I hate the color yellow, i don't know why, I just don't like it

14. Every time SOMEBODY feels the need to correct me on my grammar, i gain less and less respect for them. Idgaf if its spelled you're, i said your and you know what i mean.

15. I will sit around for hours making making up comebacks in case a bitch tries to
start something xD

16. I once beat the shit out of a kid with a glove because he threw said glove at me.

17. Ive been known to put myself in stupid situations just to prove a point. Such as burning the hell out of my hand on a stove to show somebody it was hot cause they said it wasn't xD.

Ya know what, you get 17 facts about me because i feel like it.
Gonna leave now. PEACE!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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