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Do you ever get the feeling that you're stuck where you are? Never moving forward or backward. Just stuck. I think the last time I did something even slightly interesting was moving out of my parents house into this flat. Getting a job at the local coffee shop. The familiarity was nice and comfortable after a time being.

And then I cut my hair. And that was a nice change. But that was last year.

And now I have the jitters once more. The ones where I need to go somewhere and do something.

I've been saving up to go home for a while now but I'm still shy quite a bit.

I miss my parents and my older brother with his family. I miss waking up some mornings and having breakfast made.

Since it's just me there's no reason to cook. I get a salad from the shop and bring it home. And on breaks I go and visit the bookstore, I think they like me there. Quiet and unassuming, reading a lot of books, never buying any. Or maybe they pity me, 'poor girl,' they say 'all alone, never talks. She probably is a bit mad.' I do talk. Quite a lot.

I call my brother and my mom, and they always tell me I can just ramble on for hours.

I don't call much. I don't want to be bothersome.

Maybe I'll buy a plant.

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