Winter wonderland.

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In the land of the everlasting winter a young girl stood by a window in the large ice castle her mother had created to shield her from the dangers of the outside world.  

Her father had been killed by a ice monster when he was hunting as Helen had cried out loud so a glacier shifted. Helen was not going to let this get the best of her so she trained to go out and explore the winter wonderland she had lived in her entire 16 years today. Her mother was very strict and limiting her chances with classes in spell casting and owl calling every day, but she went secretly to bow and arrow practice for young lads only. You could say she was rebellious in many ways and never wanting the stereotypes bring her down.  

Her friend Nicholas was always there and she felt that it was very comforting that he was there. Helen arrived as always in secret her white hair glistening in the light from the celestial body rising over the snowy mountain tops.  I was shooting my second last arrow when she stood beside me  ,as she hit a perfect score on the target. Helen told me after our class , as the cold winds came, which did not seem to bother her as it did to me. She wanted to go to the south of the woods were the wolves howled as the moon rose in the night time. I was sure I saw a snow owl of Ice with a necklace around its neck with the crown jewel of winter, when we went to the beginning of the woods. 

In the woods we saw the paw prints  of the grey wolves that lived in there. The trees were covered in snow and ice as hard as titanium, But as magnificent as the winter lilies laying on the ground, trampled. There were hunters that in some relief passed us as I sensed Helen's heartbeat slow down next to my body, as we sat behind the bushes of roses.  We saw a pack of wolves as we crouched down behind the bushes of the winter roses and Nicholas breath of relief and his hair dark black glistening from the moon's appearance over the mountain tops. Nicholas and I went to the middle of the woods looking for any signs of the rapid wolves near the location. We did not find any wolves, but we heard something in the near distance lurking around in the bushes. Nicholas drew his bow out from behind his back and started towards the creature and suddenly everything was a blur as the monster leaped out from behind and scratched Nicholas on the back leaving him bleeding. I heard Helen scream my name, but it was to late as I saw the beast with its sharp claws that dug into my spinal cortex and I fell. When I lay on the ground I could feel the warmth going out of my body, slowly I lost consciousness, but I could see a shape moving towards me and then it was all dark. I ran towards him, but I could not sense his presence after the beast had teared a hole through his back and he was bleeding. I went to his bleeding corpse and saw the shadow of the beast as it left, as this happened I cried so much that the snow had started to become blossoms instead. This started to seem strange but flowers grew beside him and my tears fell onto him as rain drops, a magical glow appeared carrying him up into the sky and settled him down as he opened his eyes with a golden flick hidden deep inside them.

When I had only seen darkness, I saw  a flick of light and a golden source with blossoms around the source and it flew towards me, my bare soul awoke and she stood over me with bloodshot eyes. Helen stood over Nicholas body tears running down her cheek, so I flew back to the palace as the queen had awaited my return. My owl came into the throne room and told me what happened, I was utterly grateful that Helen was safe, but Nicholas needed tending so he would not bleed to death. 

In secret I was surprised and grateful that Helen had discovered her power of healing. I sent the guards to get Helen and Nicholas to the infirmary. The guards approached us ,as they moved closer towards us we tried to go away from them.  When they slowly backed away  a shield of glowing light and blossoms surrounded Helen and Nicholas. We were all amazed of this great power among us. Helen was beside me a great power was beside me as well. The blur I had seen went into darkness once again and as i opened my eyes, we were in the castle and Helen was out of sight, but a guardsmen stood beside me watching my every movement and told me to stay in bed, but I wanted to see her with my own eyes.

 When everything was quiet in the castle I heard sounds come from the room beside  mine and heard a voice so light as the wind rushing beside you. I  rushed to see Helen on the terrace, I asked what was the matter, she told me that Nicholas had recovered and that  something was off about his soul.  the soul of which he possessed was  unique and more pure than any soul she had met. It was like he was an angle of the highest rank, but still not as a power had consumed him in some way. 

we where in the room as the flowers arose out of their sleep when the night had passed,morning and dawn arose as well. The queen had come to the room  in the night.

the golden eyes of the prisoner or guest glistened as he awoke in the night of the scream from a long distance as it was the archers whom were torturing an outsider of the other kingdom of the summer and light, he was a messenger I sensed from the way he acted and the letter that was left in the chambers. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2017 ⏰

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