Holding On...

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Over the years of my depression I learn that I am effected by every little Things on the weekends most of my friends wanna hang out and I think its fine when we do but all other times I'm normaly in bed all weekend ,I have therapist but they all say the same crap," your family would miss you, your friends would miss you ,your boyfriend would miss you,youd miss out on life." and I'm kindy over here thinking  *what friends, what life would I miss out on* and everytime I lay in bed just thinking just hoping maybe one day my depression will leave me maybe oh maybe one day ill feel what the doctors consider "okay" .

Don't get me wrong I love my "friends",family,and boyfriend but everytime I  pick up the blade I think witch is worse forcing someone to be where they don't wanna be or, taking yourself from the people who say they care. Honestly everyday I look forward to hugging my boyfriend I cant wait to pass my sister in the hall but I only depress myself more because everyone looks at me as to protect them and I cant just sit back and watch wrong , no I make others problems my own problems and I stress myself out move everytime I meet someone because to me that's a trust thats being earned ,"youll have a happy life even if I have to die for it ." that's what I think everytime , everytime I see your face ,everytime I hug you ,everytime I look how to inprove your life cause I don't want mine so take it please just take it.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2016 ⏰

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