It's not okay

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"Draco,I'm ho- DRACO!," he could still hear his father's disgusted yelps. Lucious Malfoy had tried to get his son to stop looking at Ron Weasley all Summer but when he found raco playing with himself looking at Ron's yearbook photo, he was horrified.

Draco wanted to stop his father the trouble, he really did, but he couldn't. He loved Ron. That's why he always made fun of him, to try and trick his father, but his cover was blown when his father came home from work early on August 7th.

When school started again, Draco insisted on going. His dad really didn't want him to go and see Ron again but he allowed it reluctantly.

On the train to Hogwarts, he sat next to Hermione, Harry and Ron, trying his best to look unseen by both his father and his peers. He wanted a couple hours before he had to deal with Crabbe and Goyle for nine months. He stared out the window as the train started to move and listened to what the three were talking about, "Guys, can I tell you a secret?" Ron had started.

"Course," Harry said, not making eye-contact and focusing on opening his chocolate frog with care.

"But we already know you're scared of spiders," Hermione giggled.

"Haha," Ron groaned," Promise not to tell?"

"Promise," Hermione said.

"Promise," Harry said through a mouth full of chocolate as he looked at the card of Dumbledore.

Ron took a deep breath and said," I'm bisexual."

Harry looked up at him," What does that mean?"

Hermione scoffed," Those Dursleys really don't teach you anything do they? It means he likes both boys and girls."

"SHH!" Ron quickly whispered said," We are not the only ones on this train and I'm not spending my second year at Hogwarts out as the school queer!"

"OKay, jeez, it's not a big deal," Harry said," Why do you think it's such a big deal?"

"A Lot of people think it's wrong for a guy to like a guy or a girl to like a girl," Hermione said, "But it's not wrong which is why we accept Ron and don't look at him different."

"Okay, okay, don't talk to me like I'm one of the people who thinks it's wrong. I Don't think he's any different but now that you say that it's looked at as wrong, I might start calling Dudley bisexual."

They were silent for a second before Hermione said," So, who do you like?"

Ron's ears turned red along with his cheeks," Why do you wanna know?"

"I'm curious, come on we're friends aren't we?"

"Of course, we're friends, and I don't like anyone."

"Wanna tell me the truth?"

"No I don't, go read a Lockhart textbook."


The next couple of days in class, Ron and Draco would exchange glances. It would start by Ron staring at Draco until Draco looked back. Then they would just stare until Harry would ask Ron why his cheeks were red, but one day at lunch, when they were staring at each other once more, Colin yelled," Ron and Draco are looking at each other!" and snapped a picture.

Half of the tables began to laugh when others didn't care and some called out, "Fag!" or "Ass-pirate!"

Ron's cheeks automatically turned red and Draco stormed out, looking ready to kill. Ron got up and walked down the other door and off to his dormitory in Gryffindor tower. Harry and Hermione stuffed the rest of their food into their mouths and grabbed a chicken leg for Ron, knowing he didn't eat much that night, and ran after him.

"Pig snout," Harry said to the fat lady in the picture and she let them into the common room.

"Ron?" Hermione called out into the house knowing everyone else was at dinner. Ron didn't answer so she sent Harry to go get him from the men's dormitory.

"Ron you okay?" he asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," Ron said stubbornly, his face still tomato red.

"Don't be embarrassed," Harry prided.

"I told you and Hermione this is exactly what I didn't want and now everyone knows."

"Listen, I'm not arguing with you but just so you know, Hermione grabbed some food for you."

Ron groaned and dragged himself to the common room.


Draco paced back and forth in the common room as Crabbe and Goyle talked nonsense. " You know, you to would make a really cute couple."

"Yeah, and we could be your best men at your wedding!"

"Shut up," Draco growled.

"But it's true," Crabbe pouted.

"I don't like him, he's just a poor faggot!" he ran up to his dormitory and into the bathroom. He stared at himself in the mirror and began to cry. What was he saying? The whole school would think he was a faggot, and he would never live this one down.

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 03, 2016 ⏰

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