1~ Natsu and Gray!!

218 16 10

Y/n~ Your Name
H/c~ Hair Colour
H/l~ Hair Length
E/c~ Eye Colour
A/N~ First Chappie!!!!! Play song now!
Reader's Pov~

"SUNNY!! FROST! HURRY!!" I scream at my exceeds, right now I'm running form Sabretooth. Some guy called Sting was harassing me, so I hit him which lead to now.

"GET BACK HERE!!" Sting yelled.

"Ice make~ Lance!!" I scream, several spikes of ice extend towards Sabretooth.

"Fire Dragon Crushing Fang!!" I yell, swiping my hand, a fire claw slashes at them.

"Shadow Dragon ROAR!!" A black haired male screams, it hits me. I fly back, I hit something or someone.

"Ugh...Sabertooth is getting strong." I groan, I sit up and turn around. I see two boys, one with black hair and the other with pink. I feel something wet roll down my cheek, I touch it and see blood.

"AHH!! THATS IT!!" I scream, I get up.

"ICY FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!!" I scream as loud as I can. Ice and fire come swirling out of my mouth. It send them all back.

"BY THE POWER OF ICE! BY THE POWER OF FIRE! BY THE POWER OF WIZARDS AND DRAGON SLAYERS!! ICEY FIRE SMASH!!" I scream and punch the ground, a line of ice and fire zoom at sabertooth.

"Need any help?" The pink haired boy asks, standing next to me.

"I'm helping too!" The black haired boy yelps, standing on the other side of me.

"Ice make~ HAMMER!" The blacked haired one screams, attacking sting.

"IM ALL FIRED UP NOW!! FIRE DRAGONS IRON FIST!!" The pink haired boy screams, attacking Stings black haired friend. Both the boys helping me are getting badly injured.

"MOVE NOW!" I shout to the boys, I do some hand movements. Ice and fire swirls in my hands.

"DRAGON GODS BRILLIANT FLAME!! GLISTENING BLADE~ SEVEN-STEP SWORDS DANCE!" I scream, merging Ice wizard magic and Fire Dragon slayers magic together. It blasts them very far away.

I fall onto my knees, out of breath. Frost and Sunny fly over to me.

"Y/N DID YOU JUST USE THAT SPELL?!" They both scream, I nod slightly.

"I..had...to...save..the...boys..." I breathlessly mutter.

"No you didn't, we won't go down with out a good fight." The black haired one states, I see he has stripped. I spot the fairy tale mark on The black ones chest and one on the pink haired ones upper arm.

"Fairy tale Ice Wizard and Fire Dragon Slayer!" I squeal, trying to stand.

"That's us!" The pink haired boy

"Y/n Kōri kasai! And this two are my exceeds Frost and Sunny!" I tell them, shaking there hands.

"Gray Fullbuster." The blacked hair boy, says.

"Natsu Dragneel! And this is my Exceed Happy!" The pink haired boy, states.

"Aye!" Happy says, I see frost checking him out.

"Frost~ Do you have a crush on Happy?~" I sing, i check Gray and Natsu out. Damn...

"Maybe~ But I saw you checking Natsu and Gray out!~" Frost sang back, I felt heat rise to my cheeks.

"Uhhh....Hey!! Let's go to fairy tale! I've always wanted to join!! But am I powerful enough?!" I scream at the two now smiling boys.

"I think your more powerful than Ezra!" Natsu yelps.

"WOWOW!! THE EZRA?!" I scream.

"Yeah!" Natsu yells.

"LETS GOOO~~~~" I scream. (Again)

"Lead the way Hawt guys I just met!" I Yelp, I stop in my tracks realising what I just said.

"I didn't mean That!!! I mean you are really hot!! Wait! No-I- Ugh.." I said very fast waving my hands around.

They both chuckle, while my face is a tomato.

Well? I like this chappie~


Ice and Fire {Natsu X Reader X Gray} HOLDWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt