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The little girl was giggling as she ran around in the backyard. She was chasing fireflies and tried to capture them in her tiny chubby hands. Her guileless laughter sounded like the tinkling of wind chimes.

His ears perked up and his snout sniffed the sweet chocolatey aroma of the little girl. He stood hidden in the bushes wondering if he should reveal his presence.

A firefly got too close to his snout and he couldn't help but sneeze.

The girl's laughter stopped and she was looking curiously at the bushes. She took a step towards him and he was secretly pleased by her bravery.

He decided to reveal himself and the girl looked at him with wide eyes. She didn't appear to be scared though.

She smiled and ran upto him, startling him for a second.

She ran her little hands through his fur and he rumbled softly as he inhaled her chocolate scent. She giggled.

"Cute doggy!" she crooned and it broke the moment.

He growled making her frown.

He shifted to his human form and she gasped in surprise.

"Wolf boy," she whispered in amazement and he smirked at her.

Then she dropped her gaze and blushed. She covered her eyes and giggled.

"What are you doing?" he asked curiously.

"You're naked," she said peeking at him between her fingers.

Embarrassed at the comment he shuffled to stand behind the bushes.
The little girl removed her hands from her eyes.

"Do you need clothes? Aren't you cold?" she questioned him, her brown eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"I'm a wolf. I don't get cold," he said haughtily in a way only 10 year boys could be.

"Can I become a wolf?" the girl asked eagerly.

"No, you stupid girl! You are only born as a wolf," he answered arrogantly and watched as her lower lip quivered and eyes filled with tears. For some odd reason he didn't like seeing her cry. He loved to make his sister cry and of course she made it too easy. It was quite funny too. But the sight of this girl being upset made his wolf restless.

"Shh. Don't cry. You can play with me if you want to," he said trying to appease her.

"Are we friends now?" she asked shyly, as she looked up at him shuffling from foot to foot.

"No," he said and her lower lip quivered again. His wolf growled at him and he grew annoyed.

"Don't be such a crybaby!" he said harshly and she stared at him with watery eyes.

"How can I be your friend if I don't know your name?" he demanded and her eyes lit up happily.

"My name is -" she began but was interrupted by a loud voice.

"Come for dinner!"

The girl's eyes widened in surprise.

"Amma doesn't like it if I talk with strangers," she whispered sounding horrified.

"I thought I was your friend," he said with a pout and the girl looked unsure.


The girl jumped.

"I have to go," she said sorrowfully and the boy felt sad by that fact.

"Will I see you tomorrow?" he asked and the girl quickly nodded before running off, taking her sweet chocolate scent with her.

But she never came.

Not the next night.

Or the night after that.

The sweet chocolate girl was gone


Tamil Glossary:
Amma - Mother

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