josh awoke to martha, one of the servants in his house, sliding open the curtains and letting sunlight pour in. josh groaned, rolling over. he heard martha chuckle and walk over to his bedside. he felt the bed dip as she sat down. 

"now, master josh, you know you have to get up. look, i've brought breakfast for you. aren't you hungry?" she asked, and josh groaned, pulling the blanket up over his head. martha sighed and took it down again. 

"master josh, please. you need to eat. remember, you have the luncheon at twelve and then the ball tonight, to pick a maiden to be your wife. you'll need your energy. you don't even need to eat all of it. just have a bite, please. for me?" martha asked, and josh sighed, rolling over to face her. 

out of all the servants, martha was one of few that he actually liked. since his parents were always busy and never had time for him, martha was like his mother figure and had practically raised him since he was five. he was grateful to her for that, but of course he'd never admit it to her - he had too much pride and dignity for that. 

"fine," josh said begrudgingly. martha smiled, patting his arm and getting up from the bed. she brought over the good-smelling tray of breakfast to him, setting it down over his legs. josh looked at the breakfast. she'd made for him blueberry-and-banana pancakes, cooked to perfection, scrambled eggs, made just the way he liked, a pool of syrup, to dip the pancakes in, and a mug of steaming-hot coffee, made with just the right amount of milk and sugar. josh licked his lips and picked up his fork after thanking her. martha smiled, nodding, and got up to go pick his outfit out for the day. 

"no, wait," josh said, and martha turned back around, confusion on her face. 

"what is it, master josh?" she asked, and josh gave her a tired smile.

"it's okay. i can pick my outfit out myself." josh said, taking another bite of eggs. martha raised an eyebrow as he did so.

"really?" she asked skeptically. "are you sure?" 

josh nodded at this, and she nodded, like, "alright, if you say so," and promptly left the room, but not before bidding him good-bye. 

josh finished his breakfast in rapid time and set the tray aside. he walked over to the closet and pulled out an outfit, pulling it on quickly and then rushing to the bathroom to brush his teeth and hair, etc. once he was done, he walked downstairs to begin his daily studying. 

josh walked into the kitchen (he usually studied on the kitchen island) and saw that his friend, tyler, was already there. 

technically, tyler was a servant too, but he was josh's best friend, and therefore josh didn't think of him as a slave. they referred to each other on a first-name basis and often talked and enjoyed each other's company. sometimes, tyler helped josh with his studies. other times, josh would teach tyler some of what he was learning. either way, their friendship was strong. 

"hello, tyler," josh said happily, and tyler turned around, ceasing his maintenance of the kitchen for a second. tyler's face lit up when he saw josh, and he waved ecstatically. 

"hey, josh! did ya have a good breakfast?" tyler asked, grinning cheekily, because he made all the food in the household. josh rolled his eyes, smiling and nodding.

"yes, i did. it was very good. tomorrow, though, put a drawing in the coffee with some cream," josh joked in a mock-posh voice, and tyler laughed, nodding. 

"yes, indeedy, m'lord," tyler said in a bad cockney accent, bowing exaggeratedly. they both burst out laughing, and by the time their laughter died down, their stomachs were hurting. 

just a servant // joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now