All Eyez On Me (Vol 1) Sample

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Chapter One – The Ascension

The bleeding would not stop. Tupac had been in the hospital for six days and was still on life support. He had not spoken a word since arriving. His gunshot wounds would have killed any normal person. But Tupac's will to live was unlike anything the doctors had ever seen. Like he had spoken in his songs, "Niggaz is hard to kill on my block." This will to live and survive had served him well two years previously during another attempt on his life in New York. But time would soon reveal, that even Tupac's will was not stronger than death. Tupac was dying.

The chief surgeons were doing all they could to stop the bleeding. He already had a lung removed but his organs were so badly damaged by the multiple bullets that the slightest movement could cause fatal internal bleeding. Already on life support, he had to be monitored around the clock.

It was around 4pm when it happened: Massive hemorrhaging to the left side of his body. The bullet from the gunshot wound had caused rupturing to the spleen and now the blood began to flow from the organ to the rest of his body. The immediate loss of blood caused his blood pressure to decrease so rapidly that he was in out of consciousness.

His hearing was slight at best. But because he had no power to open his eyes, he was blanketed in darkness. But he could feel. He could sense the chaos and panic around him. The doctors and nurses were rushing over him with the defibrillator unit.

"Clear!" a female voice yelled.

He prepared himself for what was next. 700 volts of electricity went through his body in the attempt to revive his heart. It felt like fire. After the volts, the doctor attempted to perform hand to chest resuscitation.

"I'm not dead...yet." Tupac thought. But he knew he was close. He could barely feel the doctors pushing his chest before another nurse got the defibrillator machine ready again.

For a moment his eyes opened. With the constant pounding of his chest, his left eyelid opened slightly enough to see his black queen for the last time. His mother Afeni, intervened, stepping next to the doctor. Her words were quiet, but definite.

"No" she proclaimed. "Stop."

This was not the way she wanted her son to die. No mother would want to see their son die, let alone from a hail of bullets. But she believed in fate. And if it was Tupac's time to go, there would be no machine or doctor that could revive him. She didn't want his last moments to be receiving electric shock with doctors beating on his chest.

The doctors looked back at her briefly before continuing to press his chest. They were confused. Usually it was the opposite. The parent of a dying child could be almost violent in urging the doctors to revive a child even well beyond flat lining. The words of Afeni were as if she knew that Tupac was not going to make it.

"Stop!" she cried out again. The tears flowed from her eyes knowing that her baby boy must be allowed to die.

"Let him die in peace," she replied as she put her hand over her mouth to fight back her emotions. Even though the EKG machine was already showing flat line, Tupac could hear his mother's voice.

The head doctor took a deep breath and removed his mask. He looked at Afeni as he fought back his own feelings. As a doctor, he was trained not to become emotional. But it was the first time that he had seen a mother at peace and calm with the fact that her child was going to die. He also knew what Tupac meant to millions. He was sorry he couldn't save him.

"I'm sorry, he replied somberly. I'm sorry."

Afeni kept her eyes on her son. She recalled the day he was born. June 16th, 1971. She had been released from prison just a few days prior to having him. She loved him so much. But as she looked at him, eyes closed, body growing colder, she believed and hoped that he would find peace in the afterlife that he was unable to find in this world.

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