The Experiment

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‘’Dailene!! The Lord wants to speak to you.’’

‘’Thanks, Marlene.’’

I walked through the hallways and stopped at Amar’s desk.

‘’The Lord wants to talk to me?’’ I asked.

‘’Yeah, he’s been waiting for you.’’ Amar gestured towards the door. I walked inside and bowed down immediately.

‘’My Lord.’’ I said.

‘’Dailene, my dear, please stand.’’ The Lord said. I looked up and saw him sitting behind his desk. Adrian, that’s the Lord. He had reddish hair, was about six feet tall, muscular and his eyes were pitch black. Also, he was about a thousand years old.

I stood up and walked over to his desk.

‘’What is going on, My Lord?’’ I asked.

‘’You know that we have been looking for someone new to turn that can become the new male Lord, right.’’

‘’Yes, My Lord.’’ I said, having no idea where this was going to.

‘’I found someone. He is from here, New York, he used to be a low profiled journalist. He is twenty-four years old and has no remaining family or friends,’’ the Lord stated. ‘’He needs to be trained, and since you need a job to do, I assign you to this position.’’

I looked at Lord Adrian in shock. I mean, yes a needed a job to distract me, but training the successor that was going to lead this clan with me myself, nah I didn’t like. Obviously, I didn’t have choice in the matter. When the Lord wants you to do something you do it.

‘’My Lord, I am honored, but do you really think I am the proper person to do something like that. I mean, he is gonna be important.’’ I said hoping to change his mind.

‘’Dailene, you are the only person who can train him to be a Lord, apart from me. Since I cannot train him, that task is yours.’’

OK, mission failed.

‘’I won’t fail, My Lord.’’

‘’Of course, you won’t,’’ Lord Adrian said, he stood up and shouted: ‘’Trevàn, please come in.’’

I looked at the door left from me. A young man came through. He had black hair, greenish eyes, he was a little smaller than six feet, slim build, and he looked surprised to see me. I kept my face neutral, but I was surprised too.

‘’Trevàn, this is Dailene,’’ the Lord said. ‘’She is the upcoming female Lord, she will be training you for the next six to seven months. I will not accept any misbehavior, is that clear?’’

‘’Yes, sir.’’ Trevàn said.

Oh dear, this was going to be a hell of a lot of work. He didn’t even know to call Adrian Lord instead of sir.

‘’Oh Trevàn, before I forget, as you can see, Dailene is pregnant, do not think that that will make her any less dangerous, do you understand? If anything it only makes her more dangerous.’’ The Lord said.

Trevàn nodded, eying me with an unreadable expression.

‘’Trevàn, follow me.’’ I said, quickly walking out of the same door I came in. I heard Trevàn follow me. I made my way through the dining hall, to the recreation room, there I sat down.

‘’I assume, the Lord has told you everything about the whole vampire thing. What else did you tell you.’’ I asked studying his face and listening to his heartbeat to determine when he would be lying.

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