'001'-A new start

113 10 11


-Revised and edited. There should be few to 0 mistakes-


I close my eyes and wait for it.

"No open your eyes. I want to see the look on your face when you realize not to disrespect me in front of anyone. Ever." As soon as I open my eyes i feel the familiar sting on my face as my boyfriend slaps me and I fall to the ground, defeated.

He smirks. "We'll finish this later, sweetheart" He says disappointingly as the school bell rings. Hallelujah for the bell! i scream in my head. I sigh, relieved, wanting nothing more than to get to 7th period and get home so i can lock myself in my room.

Putting on my normal face, I leave the boys bathroom a minute after Tyler. I can see Tyler and the group of boys laugh out loud. He probably told them i gave him a blowjob or something. I resist the urge to gag as a few of them whistle and wink at me.

My face burns with humiliation and I take heavy steps down the hallway with my head down like I usually do. I've never held my head high. Every time i try it's brought back down by the hateful remarks and evil comments being thrown my way.

On the verge of tears, I hurriedly walk into my algebra class and sit in the closest available seat. I feel the tickle of tears rolling down my cheeks and I watch the tears slowly fall onto my desk.

"Peyton, your hood please" the teacher says disapprovingly. I wipe my eyes with my sleeve and take off my hood without saying a word. Hopefully the redness will go away and I won't have to go back to the bathroom to rinse my face. I need to take a while before i can face Tyler again.

I roll up my sleeves and look at the bruises briefly. They hurt a little bit, but nothing i can't handle. Out of the corner of my eye i see Marc Sterling staring at me.

 I'm wondering why he's even looking at someone as pathetic as me. Marc is one of the most popular kids in school because his family is rich. Well he never said he was rich, I guess they just assume from his wardrobe. He's a nice person from what I've heard, but cocky at the same time. He isnn't a jock or even close to being built like one but he's a good 6'3 with a skinny frame. But being skinny definitely doesn't stop him from getting into fights with other guys bigger than him.

He continues to look at me suspiciously. That's when i notice him glancing at my arm. I pull my sleeve down quickly and look away. I can't let anyone figure out what's been happening. Tyler will kill me. Literally. From the corner of my eye i can still see him looking at me. He opens his mouth as if he's about to say something and then shuts it quickly and turns his attention to the front of the room.

The whole time the teacher talks I'm zoning out, thinking of what to do. Despising my days at school and after school causes anxiety and panic attacks some days.

The bell rings for the end of the school day. I dread walking home. I start packing my stuff as fast as possible before Tyler can get here. I just can't deal with him tonight.

Too late.

As soon as i see him walk through the door of the classroom i sprint to the back and hide under the table. I don't care who see's me, as long as it's not him. I can hear him ask the teacher if I left already.

I'm so busy eavesdropping I don't realize someone next me.

"So who are we hiding from?".

I yelp and jump up, hitting my head under the desk. Marc is on his knees staring in the direction i was looking. I rub my head and glare at him. Why is he talking to me? I've never been worthy before. Why all of the sudden change?

Marc has dark skin framed by a curly head of hair and a perfect hairline. His eyes are big, Brown, and warm. Like a Hersheys kiss. They're full of curiosity and concern.

"I um, I- I dropped my hairpin and i was looking for it. See? Found it!" I say cheerfully, as i hold one up I randomly found in my hand.

I stand up, satisfied that Tyler is no longer in the room. Marc stands up too and gives me a toothy grin. I frown at him and drop the hairpin, thinking of all the germs on my hands.

"Now that buzzkill over there has been ditched, want to walk to Starbucks with me?".

Is this boy crazy!?

"Or I could drive you but I don't know how you'd feel about getting in a car with a stranger " He flashes his perfect white terth at me and I look away.

"N-no i have to get home. Thank you though. Good bye." I said.

He didn't react. His facial expression was the same grin that didn't quite meet his eyes. He didn't even flinch at being rejected. As if he was expecting me to say that.

I decided I had to get out of there before one of Tyler's minions saw me talking to him. Disobeying Tyler got me beatings and sometimes even worse. Over the last 2 years I've learned all his rules. He keeps adding more so there's not much I can do.

Tyler's Rules:

I can't talk to any other male unless given permission by Tyler himself

I can't talk to any females either. Tyler is all i will ever need.

I can't wear any revealing clothing unless he tells me otherwise

I can't keep my hair long, he likes it short. I get it cut every few months.

If i tell anyone what he does he will kill me.

Tyler is ALWAYS right. I am not allowed to talk back.

Don't speak unless spoken to. Except for when in public. I have to act normal.

If i try to leave he will kill me.

I have no doubt that he means each and every single one of these rules

I remember when he was sweet, caring, and genuinely didn't think of me as a toy. Although I think he was just baiting me.

Everyone loves Tyler. He's currently  the star athlete of the basketball team and younger kids look up to him. He's friends with every police in the city, which also helps keep me quiet. I remember the one time I tried to confess the police told me,  that they're going to put an investigation on my father for smuggling drugs if I don't keep quiet. Then they  drove me back to Tyler's house and he beat me for leaving him. I stopped trying after that.

This "relationship" has put me through so much. I can't even do what i want to do for my career. Acting and modeling. It's a passion that i'm not even confident in anymore. And not just because of the threats from Tyler, but also the constant put downs and insults from my family. I've never felt so alone in my life.

Marc made sure he changed that.

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