Introduction & A/N

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**Rather important note:**
I will be posting only the first chapter of this story as a sort of taster. Then I will be working on the rest of the story, then once I've done most the story I will start posting the rest of the story little by little. So don't worry, I haven't forgotten about this story 😆 it's just that I will probably be changing quite a few bits and pieces throughout the story while editing so it might get kinda confusing. Thanks for reading!

Hey guys, it's Cookie!
*Throws glitter*

This is a brand new book, I hope you like it! My goal is to get this book to 500 reads.

Hopefully, new chapters will be added at least once a week, unless I suddenly get like 2057 pieces of homework. (Which is very possible actually) I will generally write chapters during the weekend as that is when I have the most time. However, I might write during the week when I have the time. So I don't have a particular update day for now.

I'll also try to keep the amount of author's notes at a minimum.

Anyways, hope you enjoy this book and see you in chapter 1!

Lots of hugs & kisses,
~Cookie 🍪

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