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Kristie and Laila were walking to school wearing their uniforms.  You couldn’t really call them uniforms though. Their skirts were so short you could almost see their pants and their ties were big and loose gaping around their necks. They held their navy blue blazers with one hand while their big tacky bags were hanging on their other arm. It was a boiling hot summers day, unusual in glum England, but today was too hot for anyone’s liking, let alone the chavs.

Kristie had big blue eyes and dark blonde hair that was almost brown. Her hair was also streaked with platinum blonde highlights that looked like someone from a council estate had done. She was coated in make-up making her tanned complexion bright orange. Her blue eyes were framed with lashings mascara, eyeliner and false lashes. Her lips and cheeks were both bright pink. In a way it looked like she was trying to be a Barbie doll, and failing. Her over-the-top make-up was running down her face, making the balls of sweat a dirty brown colour.

Laila also had way too much make-up coating her face. Her pale milky complexion was turned the same orange shade as Kristie. Laila had obviously dyed purple hair with bright pink ends. The roots were about an inch or two long and were uncovering her dark brown hair. The reason her ends were pink was because she dip-dyed them. She thought it would look nice, she was wrong. She also had the same make-up around her grey-green eyes as Kristie. She looked like she had just stepped out of the theatre after doing a pantomime. She would be the ugly step sister to Cinderella, the one people booed at and hated.

It was obvious that they thought looking like tarts was a good thing because they had looked this way since the first week of year 7. They were in year 8. Laila pulled two cigarettes out of her shirt pocket while Kristie held the lighter. They both shrieked with laughter, well you couldn’t call it shrieking because their voices were too low and husked. You couldn’t call it laughter either, it was more one short ‘ha’ sound.

A boy came up and grabbed Laila’s shoulder. She ‘shrieked’ again. It was her boyfriend Josh and they had already started kissing on the pathway. Kristie would have looked on with jealous eyes but her own boyfriend had already started kissing her. It was already 8:50 but none of the group looked like they cared that they were late. They would only get a lunch detention, another reason to snog their partner. The teacher left with detention just took it as another reason to get some sleep before their next lesson.

When they eventually got to their tutorial rooms they were greeted with the sound of a teacher giving them a detention.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2012 ⏰

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