First Day of the Week

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The sun shines through the curtains of May's bedroom,
Which woke her up.
May sits her back against the headboard and glances at her digital clock,
It's exactly 7.00am.
She plops out her single bed and peers at her roommate,
Kaya trying to see if she was awake - unfortunately she was fast asleep.

Ugh.. Can't school wait, I'm never a morning person.
At least I get to see the boys today, especially Thomas.

May interrupted her own thoughts after she noticed that she was pacing around the room, which Kaya always moans about her doing.
May showers, gets dressed and finally had given up on waiting for Kaya to woke up, so she just wakes her up herself.
"Kaya get up, you slept in!"
May screams peacefully,
Kaya groaned then decided to get up and rush to the bathroom with her long brown hair flowing behind her.

Time Lapsed:

It was now breakfast, May's favourite meal of the day.
She dresses her solid plate with her usual fried eggs, then goes to find her friends.
Thomas, Dylan, KiHong and Dexter were sitting in the corner of the canteen looking like the weirdos that they are.

There's Thomas.

His messy, strawberry-blonde hair looked recently washed, his clear skin sparkled underneath the hanging beam of light and his smile completes his face along with his frown. He is one of the most smartest person May had ever met, not only was he sweet and kind but he was great company to be around.
He noticed May walking towards their table and he shuffles up for her to sit down beside him. He happily smiled at her welcome followed by Dylan who whistled and KiHong who didn't look a bit interested.

"Alright boys."
May nicely addressed to them.
"How was your sleep?"
Thomas asked,
"Great, even thought I'm still not prepared for Technical first period."
May always felt the need to tell a joke, she isn't so much the romantic type.
Thomas laughed while showing off his perfect teeth,
"Were supposed to have an assembly first period, something to do about a company."
KiHong commented.
"How do you know?"
Dylan asked, While starting to frown.
"We overheard one of the teachers chatting about it last night."
Dexter added to the conversation,
Kaya sat down beside Dylan after she collected her breakfast.

She's got a major crush on Dylan,
It's so obvious.

Silently, they tucked into their meal without speaking, which was weird because May can't handle awkward situations very well.

Dylan was the groups superhero. He always put his friends before himself, which was very sweet every time he says that he cares for them more than he cares about himself.
He wasn't very tall or muscular, he has casual brown hair followed by a sharp jawline.

KiHong is the groups smart ass. He isn't the nicest person May has met, but he gets sweeter the more you get to know him. He's originally from Korea, his hair is always covered with hairspray and he's got the body of a super model.

Dexter is the groups mouse. He doesn't speak a lot because he suffers from anxiety.
He's bald headed, he's got dark skin and is the shortest out the whole group.

Lastly, there's Kaya.
She is May's BestFriend, but sometimes she can be a pain. She's got the most stereotypical British accent ever, she's got pale skin and her hair has grown down to her hips.

May broke the silence between the group after everyone had completely finished their breakfast.
"Right shuckfaces, we ready for class?"
The group didn't sound very enthusiastic for the first day out the week of school, but no one else wanted to do it either.
So they left their table covered with dirty plates, napkins and empty glasses - waiting for someone to clean it up for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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