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Moving Steel

The wind was sandy.

It made her put black round glasses on and cover half of the face with a red scarf. A torn gray hood had covered her head from the sun until she appeared under the cool shade of a tree where she could finally breathe out of relief and lay down on the scorched grass. The whole body was screaming in pain, limbs were ready to fall off and the heart was about to jump out of her chest. The weather was truly destructible that day because every living thing hid in the refuge and even gigantic robots just stood still and made no single moves. She could barely see them exhaling, making white steams float away into the molten sky. The girl caught a glimpse of a twisted machine in the middle of a burned yellow field. Having rolled her eyes, she mumbled something, then unwillingly got up and stretched to ease pain in legs. Afterwards, the girl intentionally headed straight to the broken robot she had left behind under the sizzling sun.

"Gosh", she grumbled and stood in front of the machine, trying to help him continue moving. "This happens all the time!"

"I'm sorry, Nova", the robot apologized. It was a humanoid creature that had eternal warm smile on his iron face. Suddenly he fell down on the ground and groaned, even though he could not feel anything. He was just an iron container which fit mnemonic artificial brain in his small head as he tried to replicate human emotions and feelings.

Nova, the girl with implant hand, activated mysterious powers of her and directed orange energetic flows to the living machine, charging him for some time in advance. The lights of the sun were too stinging that they heated iron surface of the robot. Probably, that is why he was losing his energy too fast. Nova looked back and noticed giant robot started slowly moving towards them. When she ended up giving extra power, he immediately transformed into his previous form. He rose from his knees and patterned lines glowed on the iron metal surface with bright neon blue color. His cold eyes were shining blue.

"We have to hurry up and find you another battery otherwise you will run out of spare energy, or simply saying – you will temporary die", Nova pulled a hood over her head and fixed the patch on her nasal hump. It still did hurt.

Yet, she did not know what robot's real name was. Nova found him lying on the dirty ground with hand and legs scattered around. She helped him and repaired his limbs. Despite she was asking him about his past, the robot was replying to her insinuatingly and briefly. It seemed like he remembered nothing about who he was. Therefore, she just simply decided to call him "Cosmo" because his metal painting was dark and shadowy. Cosmo looked like a living space with a billion of stars and planets. He hid secrets of himself and talked too little, always apologizing for being a burden for Nova. He lived in his own magnificent beautiful world. However, she liked that he kept silent practically all the time. His existence did not disturb her at all and she didn't mind anything.

After all, they headed to the cyber city-town where she could find some extra implant hands for herself and a new battery for Cosmo...

[a/n] I have to apologize for my poor English here. If you notice any mistakes, feel free to correct them.
I wrote this short story for my English lesson at Lingua but eventually teacher didn't check it, I guess, because he didn't tell us our results. So, I want to know your opinion about this short weird story that came to my mind. Maybe I will include this storyline in my major project that I'm currently writing in Russian.
Anyway, thank you for reading this. Let me know your opinion in the comment section down below.
Faithfully yours,

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