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     I tried.  I really did.  With everything and everyone slowly closing in on me, well at least in my mind, i watch life slip away and become past as i live in the unbearable present. 

    Does anyone else find it terribly annoying when someone just has to say "wow are you ok?" Or "it will get better" does it eat my brain away when someone says that. Ive been waiting for it to get better for years. 

     Every time it does get better, for say you meet someone u fall in love with, it always ends up just making things worse.  Even with those horrors in the end, is it still worth that feeling in the beginning?, what a funny thing.  Its technically just a viscous circle of healing and dying, agree?

    Is dying as bad as it seems? I mean people say when u go to "heaven" you'll live in forever happiness so why aren't more people just killing themselves if theres such a perfect place easy enough to get to?  Well I'm one of those people that already know they would most likely go to "hell" anyways so why not just live on this hell hole called earth?

     I got these questions always running threw my head, so many things that i would like to understand.  If we are born to die and we all die to live, then what the point of livin like if they just contradict...rap up the darkness as it try's to pull me down, i wrestle with my thoughts. i shook the hand of doubt! Im running from my past I'm "praying" feet don't fail me now!  That was very well written by Ronnie Radke.

    People are fucked up, lets be honest.  If i were to tell the people of my school about me, say what type of music i listen to, they would instantly view me different then they did moments ago.  "She listens to screamo, she must be some crazy, gross, emo bitch".  I honestly listen to that type of music to keep myself from hearing my thoughts, it blocks out the sound of the world around me and lets me escape even for a moment. 

      With all the things going on no one ever stops to care for a minuet, to think about how others mat feel, even myself.  No one actually knows the wars within each others minds.  Each war is just another battle we must face. 

       Dont you just love when people force you to eat? "You gotta be hungry" "im gunna get you somethin anyways"  like no if i tell u i dont want to eat, then i dont want to.  Period.

       Its amazing when you sat hi to someone and they just stair at you and silently judge you...its so nice..

      When you have to sit there and act like you care cuz ur at one of those stages where ur just mad at everything but u love them and cant be rude cuz u still want them

        I dont get why people can never be happy in this world, things always seem to fuck themselves over for no reason.   Evert time you try to be happy, at least myself, i always mess things up.  No matter how much i think it will work out, or how happy i feel...i will fuck it up

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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