"So Close Yet So Far Away"

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Wendy's (POV)

It was a few days before Christmas Eve, and I was throwing a Christmas party for my friends. I was dressed in a red sweater with white fluff around the neck and the edge of the sleeves. Much like a Santa Claus coat. The reason I was able to do all this, was because since the real apocalypse already happened, my dad said I could have a real Christmas for once. I was trilled, but something was missing. I then remembered that I was wearing my pine tree hat Dipper gave me at the end of the summer. I take it off, and smiled. I then realized what was missing. Dipper and Mabel!

Christmas just isn't the same without all your friends. I frowned at that thought. I then turn to see all my friends laughing and joking with each other. And of course Robbie and Tambry acting all lovey dovey around each other. Lee and Nate also brought there girlfriends with them, because I said they could. Mostly because they helped me decorate my house for the party. But still, it felt like everyone was in love or at least looked like it. I sighed and sat by my widow, watching the snow fall. It was cold outside, but it felt like my insides were cold too. I missed Dipper and Mabel. But I think I missed Dipper most of all. Even though I shot him down, I still kinda had somewhat feelings for the little guy.

I sighed again. I think the only thing I wanted for Christmas was for Dipper and Mabel to come for Christmas.

Dipper's (POV)

Me and Mabel started to pack up our stuff for the road. Mom and Dad said we could go back to Gravity Falls for Christmas. I was trilled, I would be finally able to go back to see Wendy. I mean all my friends! Hehe... Mabel then grabbed our stuff and we said goodbye to mom and dad. We got on the bus to Gravity Falls excited. On the bus ride, I couldn't stop thinking about Wendy. I took off my trappers hat Wendy gave me, and held it in my hands. I smiled at it. Mabel noticed and spoke up.

"Thinking about Wendy again, huh?" She asked cocky.

"Yeah, I guess so." I replied.

"You want to see her again, don't you?"

"Of course I do, Mabel! Why wouldn't I?" I asked confused.

"Because she kinda broke your heart the last time we were here." She said.

"I know, but..." I stopped.

"Still crushing huh?"

"Yeah..." Mabel stopped for a second before speaking up again.

"How about when we first get back, we go see Wendy first? I'm sure she will love to see us." She smiled.

"Yeah, let's do it!"

"That's the Christmas spirit!"

When we got there, as soon as we got off the bus, I fell in a foot of snow. There was no way we could go anywhere on foot in this much snow. I then saw some kids playing in the snow with sleds. This gave me an idea. I run up to the kids, and explained that we needed one of their sleds. They agreed and gave me one of the sleds. I thanked them and shouted to Mabel.

"Come on, Mabel! Let's go!"

"Right behind you bro!"

Mabel then climbed on the sled and we were on our way to see Wendy. Tis the season to be with the ones you love right? I smiled to myself as the sled road down the thick, white snow. It wasn't long before we saw Wendy's house. My smile only got bigger as we came to a stop. Mabel jumped off the sled first, and right on quew, Wendy came out side holding a cup. Mabel smiled and ran to her.

"Merry Christmas Wendy!" Mabel shouted. Wendy blinked, and flashed a big grin.

"Mabel!" Wendy got up from her spot, dropping her cup. She ran to my sister and wrapped her arms around her.

"It's so good to see you, kiddo!" Wendy smiled. When they finally let each other go, Wendy turned to me, and her smile only got bigger.

"Hey Dipper, merry Xmas!" She smiled. I smiled back and went to hug her. I stopped myself at the last minute, flashing a sheepish grin. Wendy only giggled and pulled me into a hug. I blushed a deep red, but hugged her back.

Wendy's (POV)

When I held Dipper in my arms, I felt warm inside again. We were standing there in the snow for who knows how long, but I didn't care. I was holding my best friend in my arms, and it was close to Christmas! What could be better? I guess I got everything I wanted for Christmas after all.


Author's note:

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Merry Christmas!

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