An Extra-ordinary Life

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Open up on an orphanage where a 10 year old girl with brown hair that has violet-red highlights sits alone locked in her room, rumors can be heard outside of the room, people were saying that she was a freak. In class earlier that day, her hair had changed color to pure red while her skin turned grey, apparently she had yelled at a bully and gave the bully a black eye. The girl sat on her worn mattress with a pair of scissors in her hands. She took the scissors and sat in front of a mirror that she had inherited. Poised to cut her hair when... *knocks on door* *caretaker comes in*

Caretaker: TRISHA WOODS! What are you doing?! Put those down! You're going to hurt yourself if you're not careful. Come down, there's a family here who wants to meet you.

Trisha: Yes Ma’am


Caretaker: That's the last piece of paper.

Trisha's new Dad: Thanks. I’m glad to finally have a daughter. Oh, my neighbor is going to adopt a 10 year old girl too. Won't that be fun?!

Trisha: Sure.

~In an orphanage across town~

A 10 year old sits working at the computer when a bully starts mocking her. *glares at the bully's computer screen* *the screen mysteriously turns into a word document that reads 'knock it off'* afraid that it might be her fault, the girl runs into the hallway. Soon, a teacher walks down the hall

Teacher: Oh, there you are Maysa. Come with me, we've got a family who wants to see you.


Maysa's new Mom: It's good to meet you Maysa Crowe, I’m glad to have you join my family. We have a neighbor who also adopted a 10 year old girl. Maybe you'll be friends.

Maysa: *a hopeful glint in her eyes* Yeah... maybe

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 23, 2013 ⏰

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