new home, new neighborhood, new town

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John Wilmer has just moved to Newbern, Ohio. John was lucky for he found a nice small house in a nice friendly neighborhood. In this small town everyone knows everyone. So when John moved there everyone was wondering what kinda person he would be. And John was wondering what these people would be like. The lady that sold him the house said it was a nice neighborhood but he thought that those kinda people always say things like that to sell and make money. The house it self was pretty cheap it was a small house two bedroom, one bath and a nice backyard with a big old tree. The small town had some small mountains even And from John's new backyard he had a perfect view. When John pulled up to his new house all the neighbors got out on their front porch to see what the new comer would look like. John Wilmer has short Brown hair he was about 6'2 he had Brown eyes and he was about 22 years old. John was new in town so he didn't know anyone or anything about the area besides that there is a school not that fair from his home. But that didn't matter to him he didn't have a wife or a girlfriend for a matter of fact so he didn't have any kids and didnt plan on having any. John him self didn't really care for children. So after John got to his new home he thought that he should drop of all his belongings and then take a drive around the small little town and maybe see if there is any place looking for hire. So John took care of he little of belongings in his car for all he had were a couple suitcases and a few boxes. When he walked into his new home he saw he had a large living room with a little window into the kitchen. He sat his belongings in the large empty room then looked up the place for he was about to go on his little drive around town.

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