Ah yes, the time between the hells of school. The days where students were free to sleep in and do absolutely nothing...

Except answer the fucking door apparently.

I groaned, getting out of bed. What time was it, eleven, eleven fifteen? Whatever, it was some time around lunch and the damn door bell had woken me up. I sighed, Cerberus whimpering from his spot by my bed. The doorbell rang again, causing me to let out a frustrated groan. "Zeus, can you answer the door?!" I yelled, my voice ringing through the house. Hearing nothing, I figured he must be out. Damn him. Sighing once again, I yelled, "Coming, just give me a sec'!"

Quickly finding a pair of jeans and throwing on an old Pink Floyd shirt I left my room, closing it all the way. My footsteps made a thumping noise with each step until I reached the first floor. I went to the front door and opened it, flinging it so hard that it could've flown off it's hinges. I winced,the bright light of the sun blinding me momentarily. Once I could see more than colorful blurs, I could clearly see a girl about my age standing on my doorstep.

I know, I probably should've been blessed that this mysterious, beautiful girl was standing on my doorstep, but at the moment I didn't really care. This girl had soft, loose, dirty blonde hair, slightly pale skin, and eyes the color of tree bark. She was wearing a nice teal t-shirt and a green flannel over that, along with a pair of blue jeans and pink pastel sneakers. She was around my height, having a nice figure. By nice figure, I mean she actually looked human instead of a walking corpse. She was smiling happily, looking at me. And you want to know what my first words to this girl were?

"Who're you and why did you wake me up?" I mumbled, agitated. She seemed to pause for a minute before replying, me rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Um, hi. My name's Persephone, I just moved in next door. I wanted to introduce myself to the neighborhood." My eyes widened as she spoke. So far, just from her voice and attire, she seemed pretty cool. Not popular, full of themselves cool, but like actually a good person. Her clothes weren't revealing or anything so she probably wasn't trying to impress anyone. Not that that was bad, hell no. People don't have to dress to impress people. If they do, whoever they're trying to impress is a shallow fucker.

"So am I the first person you've introduced yourself to?" I asked. This could make or break the entire situation. Her face turned to confusion, considering that admittedly, it was a weird question.

"I mean, yeah. You are my next door neighbor after all." She answered, throwing in a bit of sarcasm. I mentally celebrated. That meant she was only partially weirded out. I extended my hand, smiling slightly.

"Cool. My name's Hades. Sorry about not answering the door right away." I replied. She shook my hand firmly.

"Nice. Do you go to Olympus high?" She asked. I nodded, putting my hand at my side. "Awesome, my first day's Monday. We might have the same teachers!" She cheered, laughing slightly. Her laugh. Oh hell, her laugh. I chuckled, her laugh filling me with joy. It was then I decided, I wanted this girl to be my friend.

"Hey, want to come inside? We could actually sit down in there." I invited. She looked back over to her new house, her mouth opening. What I thought was going to be a normal yell turned out to be something kinda better.

"Hey Mom! I'm gonna be at Hades' house! He lives next door! That cool?" She shrieked over, her voice getting higher and more shrill as she yelled. I smiled. This girl was insane. She'd fit right in. My thoughts were interrupted when a woman stuck her head out of the house. She had Persephone's hair, but brighter, her's looking more like the color of hay. She was definitely more tanned than her daughter, and she had a slight scowl on her face.

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