All That Matters: Chapter 1

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"Oh my god! stop it! You're too sweet!"

That's how Bethany Gregory was with the guys. But I was never one of them.

I ate my lunch alone as usual, Staring at Bethany from the table across. She'd never be dumb enough to be interested in me anyway.

The bell rang and everyone started rushing to their next class. Normally I try to be the first one to class, but Bethany had some girl in a circle within her "clique" laughing.

I tried to pass by without having to interfere. But Bethany, to my surprise, was bashing on her sister, Jensen.

"God, Jensen, you look like trash. Why would mom even let you out of the house looking like this?" A chime of laughter echoed throughout the group. "What do you call this sense if 'fashion' anyways?" Bethany snipped, nipping at Jensen's Scarlett flannel.

Jensen's POV

I tried to escape my ignorant sister's negative comments. But her little group of bitches were circling me.

I looked ahead and spotted a blonde boy wearing some band shirt walking slowly towards us acting as if he was trying to investigate secretly.

"You've always been the ugly sister anyways. Not even the right clothes would look good on you." She scoffed, hands held firmly on her hips.

I had had enough of my sisters shit.

I tore through the mass of girls and ran straight toward the restrooms to bawl my eyes out. But to my surprise, a large pair of hands gripped me from the side and jerked me into an empty class room.

We kind of stood there for a while, looking at each other awkwardly.

I surely wasn't going to say anything.

"A-Are you, like, okay?" I didn't know how to reply, I didn't want to stay mute but I couldn't speak.

Tears were starting to gush past my tear ducts, and a lump was settling in my throat. I tried not to cry, but I couldn't hold it in.

He pulled me into a tight embrace and brush his fingers in my hair and hushed me until my cries were calm.

"I'm so, so sorry," I chuckled out and wiped the mascara stains and black tears from my face. "Here." The boy held out a tissue in his hands and I desperately tried to wipe the make up off in hopes to prevent humiliating myself in front of this strangely cute boy.

"Can I?" He quietly asked softly taking the tissue from my hand and smoothly cleaning my face off. "Better" he said with a shy smirk.

We stood for a second, looking at each other. I noticed his eyes were a beautiful blue. And when he smiles dimples form on his pale cheeks.

"Um, I-I gotta go." I grabbed my things from the desk behind me and walked out of the room.

What did I just walk into?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2013 ⏰

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