Challenge Details

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Hello, anyone who happens across this. If you're an Overwatch fan as much as I am, then you must me as hyped for the new hero, Sombra. As I was watching her ability overview video, I thought came to me, and it has been generated into the words you are and will be reading. So, for those Overwatch players who may or may not be reading this, I have a challenge for you. I call it...

"The Friendly Sombra Challenge".

The statistics are simple: hack someone with the ability "Hack", and then try to make friends with them, like saying hello and jumping up and down, or anything else you want to do to try and show that you aren't going to hurt them. If they don't try to shoot you during the hack period (since they can still use their primary weapon, just not their abilities), then you have succeeded, and if they still don't attack you after and even say hello back, then you have succeeded even further; just try not to shoot them. And if the try to kill you during and after "Hack", well... you know what that means.

So this is just a challenge I wanted to put out there. You obviously don't have to do the challenge, I just wanted to put this out there. Even if other people have come up with the same king of challenge, if I'm the only one who has, then yay me, and if I'm not, then I'm still happy.

I just also want to thank Blizzard Entertainment for creating such an amazing game; I hope this game goes a long way. So if someone who works for Blizzard Entertainment is reading this (which they probably, highly aren't) kudos to you and the rest of the company!

So that is basically a rap, and if you read this and try the challenge out when Sombra does come out (which will be VERY soon), then please tell me about you're experience! Also check out my story, "The Other". It's a fanfiction about the anime "Overlord", and even though I only have one chapter up, I will be updating it sometime in the near future, and I will strive to make it a worth-while read. So go check that out, too.

Anyway, this has been LunaRose, Have a great day (or night). Peace out.

The "Friendly Sombra" ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now