Tears given, from me to you

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taeyeoncd asked me to republish this story :)
Please enjoy :)

As green eyes fell on the mass of blonde fur on the tan shag carpet, silent tears fell down my face. He wasn't breathing. He had died in his sleep. Grandma began screaming soon after her discovery, and sound added to the silent sorrow wafting around the room. The cries became louder as more and more grief was added to the mixture. We were all certain that the mix breed had passed. The silence grew and grew until louder screams trumped the grief and sorrow that was thrown into a pot, mixed together, and then baked to match an identical silence of a close family member's death, and family the dog had been.

More scattered silence laced the pounding grief covering everyone in the white walled living room. My eyes flickered over to the now blanket covered heap of dead flesh and fur in hopes of some sign of life. None came. The silence once again broken for more screams of love and grief.

He is in a better place now. 

I miss you Dinky. I love you bud. 


Tears given, from me to you (Tribute to Dinky)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang