Chapter 1

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"It's alright." The boy's golden eyes look at the boy lying on the bed.

The prince of Seido, Miyuki Kazuya, dragged down by grieve of losing his family, eaten by desperation have continue stare at the ceiling. Eyes dull and unseeing.

The golden-eyed boy glance away with tears freely falling at his cheeks.

He takes the prince's hands and clamps their fingers together. Tightly.

Eijun trails his hands at Kazuya's face as if familiarizing every part. To his nose, to his forhead, to his cheeks, to his lips.

Eijun's fingers linger to the lips that he yearn to smile. He want to see that devious smirk again. For those lips to say his name again.

"It's okay to forget. You don't have to remember." Eijun said to the prince.

His hands clamping impossibly tighter, as if asking for strenght to continue.

"You don't have to hide. I promise I will always protect you."

"Please. Just smile again. It's all I need to continue."

"Even if you won't smile to me. Even if you won't say my name anymore. Even if you won't look to me. It's alright."

"Even if you hate me. Even if you forget."

"All of it, I will carry. For you, I'll accept that faith."

"For you and for them, I will never forget. Until my soul is thrown to the darkness and my body turn to ashes, I'll continue hold into these memories."

Words continue to speak out from his mouth as if prayers. With quite sobs whacking his body he hold into those hands tightly.

The boy lift his eyes,

"It's cold tonight. I'll just stay here. Sleep. I'll watch over you."

The boy on the bed surprisingly blink his eyes then totally shut them to sleep. Breathing's even. A peaceful sleep.


Eyes opening up. Blinking. Twice.

A familiar room greet him. Birds chirping cheerfully outside. Morning rays of the sun is filtering from a big open window beside the bed.

He looks around until golden eyes meet his own.

"Who are you?" He asks the boy.

From a Promise to a PrayerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin