School is boring

14 0 7

My sembreak started from Oct.26-Nov. 7..WOW,WOW,GFA IS THA WORST SCHOOL EVAAAAAAAA!!
SU MANY ASSIGNMENTS,QUIZZES,NOISINESS,CRAZINESS!!! The president of the class ish meh and They so quiet when im the leader xD I think their afraid of me coz in my school is pretty weird when you the leader you put them in "Grounded" if they suuuu noiseh ;-; Da teacher ish pretty rood coz my bff Hayden got detention for no fucking reason like wtf? I always stay up late when my school starts at 10:30AM then I sleep at fricking 12:00AM xD my sista wakes me up and we always end up getting late xD I cant play bb for the rest of the year and meh sister is typing it out say Hi Janine!! hai <--- her writing and she never uses caps ;-; Okay sooo I cant play games :( And I cant go in wattpad for 1 FUCKING YEARRRRR!! ;-; WHYYYY?!?!?! and mah sis is using it :( ;-; 0-0

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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