Chapter 1

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Hayden "Hiccup" Haddock was used to waking up at a reasonable hour, regardless of where he was. However, this particular time did not count as he was currently stuck outside the freezing cold weather, shivering to death as he tried - emphasis on tried - to put up a tent on the campus ground.

Pausing from hammering a hook into the muddy ground, Hayden sneezed, bringing his arm around his body to cover his nose. Sniffing he groaned, glaring over his shoulder at a figure leaning against a tree.

"Jack!" Hiccup called for what seemed like the sixth time. "Would you come and help me please?" Jack merely shrugged and smirked as he folded his arms. Hiccup huffed. He wasn't bothered that Jack wasn't helping - Hiccup was used to it, especially not from Jack. He was used to it by everyone.

He just hated the fact that his best friend could act so cocky.

"You seem to be getting well just fine on your own Haddock!" Even the sound of his voice sometimes irritated Hayden. His scowl deepened.

Hayden continued to hammer the hook into the ground. "Don't make me call you by your full name!" Hayden snapped though he was grinning lightly.

Jack mocked a shocked gasp. "You wouldn't!"

"Oh, but you know that I would," Hayden replied slyly, standing to face the dark figure in front of him. Said figure unexpectedly threw his hands up in the air.

"Fine." Jack whined, stomping over like a little child. He snatched the hammer from Hayden's hand, waiting for instructions. "What am I doing?" Asked Jack.

A groan emitted from Hayden's mouth. He said nothing, heading over to the department where his and Jack's dorm was located. Yes, that's right. They had to unwillingly share with each other. It was either that or share with the girls a few blocks down. Guess what they picked? Well, what Jack picked anyway.

"Hayden!" Jack attempted a manly screech only to fail by, instead, letting our a high pitched squeal of said name. He cleared his throat. "Hayden. What - Am - I - Doing?!"

Giving Jack a rude hand gesture, Hayden slipped inside, shivering again but this time as the warmth radiated over his body like a sauna.

Many flights of stairs and doors later, Hayden finally reached his dorm, only to realise that Jack hadn't locked the door. Again. Hayden stepped inside and shut the door softly behind him, switching the light on. Luckily nothing had gone missing. Figuring Jack could handle himself on his own for a while, this gave Hayden the chance to sit down and think.

He sighed. It had been four years. Four YEARS. Four years ago, Hayden had first started camp which he remained the outcast for about two years before all his now best friends came along: Jack, Elsa and Rapunzel.

He had such a tough time in his first two years. He was pushed, shoved and picked on for his lack of bulk and tall-ness. He used to be the small easy scrawny target for the bullies to attack. Which they did.

He felt like he couldn't turn to anyone. His dad died when he was young and his mother gave him up for adoption. That's where Merida and her family came along. Merida's parents adopted Hayden near the same time when Merida was born, which made him a few months older. Years later, the two became very close and eventually, they were inseparable.

That is, until their parents decided to have another baby. Turns out, they had not one, but three. Three boys. At the age of twelve, the triplets were at least three and both Merida and Hayden were stuck chasing after them as they caused havoc around the house.

Luckily, when the two older siblings turned the appropriate age, they moved to the camp, visiting their home over the holidays and at the end of the academic year.

Merida did her best to defend Hayden from the bullies, because, at the time, she was most definitely the taller and tougher looking out of the two, her sway of thick red curls deepening the cold looks she sent the attackers.

However, when everyone returned to start their third academic year, Hayden was unrecognisable. He had grown about a foot taller, his arms and legs were defined and his jaw had sharpened. Overall, Hayden had grown up and soon enough the girls were swarming him for attention. Regardless, he paid no attention to them as he wasn't bothered. He'd rather focus on his school work than get his heart broken.

A few months later, three new students arrived. That's right you guessed it. Jack, Elsa and Rapunzel. Soon enough Merida befriended them and introduced them to Hayden and soon, they became rather close.

Hayden's thoughts got interuppted as someone burst through his dorm door. He jumped, glaring at the intruder. "Jack!" Hayden exclaimed. "What the hell!?"

Jack burst out laughing, taking no notice of the scowl forming on Hayden's face. "Totally didn't mean to scare you," Jack snickered. The boy in front of him narrowed his eyes. "Okay ... Yes I planned to scare you, and let me tell you, it was fucking hilarious!"

"Ugh!" Hayden groaned. He ran a hand down his face. "What do you want? I'm TIRED."

Jack, who casually leaned against the door frame, sighed. "The tent is up." He shrugged.

Hayden's eyes widened. He couldn't believe it. Jack had actually finished a task without whining and complaining about it all the time. He hadn't even made a stupid joke to -

"Hey Hayden?" Jack interrupted. "Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? Great food, no atmosphere." Jack snickered, curling in on himself as Hayden buried his head in his hands, groaning again. Of course he spoke too soon ...

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 09, 2016 ⏰

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