Whats My Name?

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A young girl of the age of 16 has always had trouble making friends when she was 6 she was categories as a freak. People thought she was cute when she stood up during class and dance, then when it became a problem she was took to a doctor to find out what was wrong.
When she became 9 her brother joined school and they rode the bus together sitting beside each other because no one else liked them on the bus, and when they got older they kept it up. People thought that there was incest happening in the home but people just had gross fantasies.
When the girl turned 11 she lost her mamaw, one of her best friends she could tell her anything and if she did something wrong she didn't get in trouble for it because her mamaw favored girls over boys, she cried when that happened she didn't know what to do she thought it was a lie that one of these days she would call and say she had to go into hiding for something real serious she couldn't talk about, sad thing is she still thinks that to this day.
When she turned 12, she lost her day because he was being an idiot doing drugs and falling stupid people to get money. She was lost even more she wanted to go into her room lock the door and break down crying. But she didn't and 12 was the last year she could be a child, she had to grow up be strong learn to not cry because her mom and brother needed her. She played games with him to get him through it and slept beside her mom because she couldn't sleep without someone near her she had done it for around 20 years and it was to much to have to do it.
When she turned 13 she got into Twitter and RPing because her mom got her into it. She couldn't think of anything else to do school and twitter she found it as a stress reliever because she could do what she wanted there kill someone and there would be no consequence to her actions. But everything she did seemed to make her situ worse, her mom would get mad because she was on it to much. But later in that year she made a new friend she had blonde hair and was hardcore. Now the blonde had a crush on this guy who was like her but a male version. They started dating and the guy had to move schools, the blonde was sad and couldn't get over still hasn't to this day.
When she came into Highschool she hated it didn't wanna grow up but she had to. Through this she gained two new friends a brown haired girl and a red head girl by this year she was 14. She laughed with the girls but still felt out of place when she sat with them, because they could talk for hours but she kept talking about the same thing over and over again. So when they talked she would jump on board and learn as much as she could to please the other girls and make them laugh.
When she turned 15 she lost the red headed girl because of causes unknown, and the brown haired girl was devastated but the 15 year old helped her and they started talking but she knew that she couldn't feel the emptiness of the red head.
So the girl had the brown head and blonde headed girl to talk to she still felt out of place like she didn't belong, she didn't want to mess up again she had done it so much scared off so many people and lost so much. She had tried to do something to make the brown haired girl feel better but the brown haired girl could hide her feelings well.
When the girl turned 16 she still felt out of place not understanding why. She didn't have a best friend of her own. The blonde had a girl who was just like her and the brown still had the red headed girl but the 16 year old had the girls but still was lost, she had thought of suicide before, a lot actually and she had come close to it a few times. Her brother is leaving her cause he has his friends, she keeps putting herself in other peoples plans so she isn't left out. She came up with the idea of her the brown haired and red haired girl living together. But again she is butting in when the brown wants to be alone with red she had came in and ruined there plans at least that's what she thought in her head.

So she had no name no place for herself she found people who liked her but she still felt like she was that person that crashed the party and needed to leave sooner then stay there. Is she wrong should she stop thinking that or is it the truth and should she just leave or stop talking......

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