First meet (2)

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Yoongi's POV

I never really thought that this would happend. I never really thought I would dislike being an idol...
Me and the rest of bts we're now running from our job trying to find a place to stay...
Don't take me wrong. We are going back, and we do love ARMY alot, but we just need to rest for sometime. The schedule has been so full we bearly sleep... Also, now we can't go to a hotel or really anywhere cuz they will find us. The only option is to ask someone if we could possibly stay at their place...
And hopfully they don't know us...Yeaah, this is bad...
I don't even know how I got into this deep hole..


"I'm sooo tired!" jungkook says.
"We all are.. Why don't we try asking here?" Jin answers pointing at a kind of big apartment in a happy voice to cheer us up.
We have been walking for hours.
On the way we asked some people that had a big enough house if we could stay there... Either they said no or they knew us. If they knew us we would decide not to ask...
"Ok..." I said snapping back. With no hope I stepped forward to knock. After some seconds the door opened and we all looked at the person standing at the door.
Did... Did she have her mouth open a second ago...? Is she a fan? AHH fuck it!

Back to Y/N's POV

Crap! I immidiatly closed my mouth fast so they wouldn't notice that it droped open.
"H-hi... We we're j-just wondering if there could p-possibly be a change that we could s-stay here? D-Don't worry miss, we won't cause any trouble and w-won't stay long I promise..." Yoongi said. He even stutterd. Even though my mouth wasn't open now I was chocked.
Like reeeeaaaally chocked.
I looked at all the seven boys. Most of them had visible bags under their eyes and looked at me with a expression fild with sadness, tiredness and hope. Hope... Probobly that I would say yes. My thoughts was interrupted by namjoon.
"We understand if you don't want us to stay at you're place...miss"
"U-uhh, come in..." I said. They all looked at me in shock.
"Thank you miss!" they said VERY loud at the same time.
I just at them and opened the door wider so they could come in and lead them to my livingroom telling them to sitt down.


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