How You Guys Met

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        You guys met in second year. You were walking to Potions, and bumped into a raven haired boy. "Oh Sorry" he said, "It's ok" you said as you were trying to pick up your stuff. "Oh, I'll help" he said, as he was helping you pick up your stuff, he touched your hand, and you felt a feeling like fireworks were going off inside of you. As you finished, he said "My name is Harry, Harry Potter", you held out your hand " Y/N Y/L/N", you shook hands. You felt like fireworks inside of you.


     You guys met in 4th year. You were walking over to Hermione to ask if she would go to the book store with you. When, a boy with red hair bumped into you, you fell over and he fell on top of you. He looked at your face and his cheeks turned as red as his hair. "Uh sorry" Ron said. "It's ok." You said. So you jumped up and walked over to Hermione as he just sat there in awe.


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