one | jacelyn | to control is to protect

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It's been two days since the incident. Two days since I almost lost control. Two painstakingly long days.

I never thought things would get better for me, and they never did. But I never had the chance to question why.

Maybe it was because I was so shy and delicate that the world decided it should eliminate the weakness inside me, shatter it to pieces like a shard of glass.

Maybe it was because I was the small, sickly child my whole life, the one who solely depended on others for help. I guess the world didn't like that.

Or maybe it was just the fact that I was different. I was one of the rare few born with powers, powers that weakened me physically, mentally, and emotionally. Weaknesses that never changed were bestowed upon me like foul gifts.

The only good thing that happened to me was my brother. His name was Elliott, but I called him Eli, for short.

Eli was my twin, and he had powers, too. That was one of the many things that linked us. We shared a lot of the same likes and dislikes, but we also had this rare twin connection called a twin-link. It was how Eli and I communicated wordlessly, or finished each other's sentences. Eli was also weak, like me.

But the world was cruel, and it took Eli away from me. Now I am alone. No one truly cares about me and my feelings.

They want to make me into a perfect person with perfect everything. They only care about what they would get out of making me a better person.

The incident was when it all started to go wrong. For two years, I had managed to survive without Eli by my side, but the episodes had been getting worse, and it was only a matter of time before I completely broke down.

I was sitting on the cold marble bench in the courtyard of my school, Parthenos Military Academy, when Mariah Relenza and Avery Campbell, people I tend to try to avoid at all costs, sauntered up to me with those devious grins of pure evil.

"Poor little Jacelyn. I can't imagine how horrible it must be, living without your other half. How does it feel, knowing that you'll never get pathetic little Eli back?" Avery sneered, and it ignited a raging fire inside me, but I masked it well.

Mariah scoffed. "It's not like anyone liked him anyways. Come on, Avery, I don't even know why we came to her.She's just as useless as her brother." That struck a major nerve.

"Eli wasn't useless," I whispered quietly, taking slow, deep breaths and trying to calm down.

"Huh?" Avery faked a confused look. "Mariah, did you hear something?"

"It's nobody, Avery. Just a nobody."

The girls turned away, and began to walk back to their 'popular' clique, when an invisible force picked them up by their necks, choking them.

I realized what was happening as soon as I looked up, my expression horrified. As soon as I did though, they were released, and I could only back away in horror. I ran off school property.

I had to get away. It would only get worse, and I had to protect them. Keeping control is getting harder and harder. But it's coming.

The end is coming. I know it.

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