Chapter 1

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Na-young's POV

"Na-young-yah, you need to come home now."

I let out a small sigh as I work my way through the slightly crowded airport, my backpack slung over one shoulder. When I left Korea, I left with the intention of staying away, but now I here I am, back in my hometown, halfheartedly looking for my brother who is supposed to pick me up. My eyes scan the crowd of people waiting by baggage claim and I almost want to puke the minute I spot the intricate and loud sign that my brother has made for me. I'm about to go hide and call a taxi, but he spots me before I can take another step.

"Na-young-yah! Yah, dongsaeng-ah!"

I let out a small groan as he shouts, catching the attention of everyone around us. He waves the flag in the air as he jogs over to me and I place a hand over my eyes, as if that small act could hide me from the looks we are receiving right now.

"How ya been little sis?"

I scowl as he wraps an arm around my shoulders. I shove it away and fluff up my sweatshirt slightly. "Was that really necessary?" I ask, annoyed.

"Huh? What?"

I shake my head at his obliviousness, and make my way to the conveyer belt.

"Yah wait for me! Is that really all you have to say? I haven't seen you in three years and that's it?" He pouts and I roll my eyes.

"You're almost 25 Han Sang-Hyuk. Act like an adult and not a child," I say and frowns.

"Yah, it's Oppa to you," he says and I roll my eyes again. He doesn't say anything else as we wait for my bags and guitar to appear. After they have, I grab them before he can and hurry out of the smelly airport.

The atmosphere there always make me nauseous. "Yah Na-young wait up! You don't even know where I parked!" Han Sang-Hyuk exclaims, speed walking to catch up with me. I let out a small sigh, slowing slightly so that he can fall into step beside me. "You know, you could be a bit more grateful. I didn't have to come and pick you up you know."

"I never asked you to, " I say and he falls silent after that. He seems to get that I don't want to talk to him, so the ride home is quiet, other than the radio that is quietly playing some random kpop song.

As soon as we pull into the driveway, we're greeted by my mother, who rushes out of the house immediately.

"Oh my baby! Let me see you! It's been so long!" she gushes, running up to me and trying to pull me into a hug. I don't reciprocate it, but she doesn't seem to notice. She examines me from head to toe, and tsks. "You look like you've gained a bit of weight while you were away Na-young yah. And you still have in those metal monstrosities."

I clench my jaw as she stares disdainfully at my pierced ears. She opens her mouth to say something, no doubt insult me again, but my other brother beats her it.

"Na-young, welcome home."

I nod curtly at him, before pushing past my brother and moving to grab one of my suitcase from Han Sang-Hyuk.

"I got it, " my brother, Jung Taekwoon, says, pulling the black suitcase away from me.

"It's fine, I say, trying to reach for it, but he's already carrying it into the house. I let out a small huff, before following after him, repositioning my guitar on my back.

"Everybody look who's home!" Han Sang-Hyuk calls, sending me a devilish smirk as soon as we enter the house. I scowl in return as my grandparents hurry into the room.

"Oh Na-young-yah! Look at how big you've gotten!" my grandmother says.

Big? I think, looking down at myself. Is that a weight comment or a height comment?

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