The Attacks

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Running Through The City

     Every morning I say to myself how much I love my city. The City of Hong Kong. A vibrant, busy, multicultural wonderland. The bright lights and the people shoulder to shoulder. I look out the seat of my limo. I am currently being escorted to my office. I’m a morning person so being up at five every morning is something I enjoy. I am President of International Relations. I am also third in power of this wild city. My phone rings as I gaze out the window deep in thought. It's my daughter Amelia.

“Dad! Just wanted to remind you I won’t be home tonight. Im staying at Four Seasons Hotel with a couple of friends for Aoi’s birthday” Amelia says through the phone waking me up entirely.

“Thanks for letting me know. I forgot . Have fun and be safe.” I respond with a quite tone. She then hangs up.

I arrive among the entrance to the ICC. I wish my driver a good day and walk into the grand entrance. I feel the air conditioner brushing my face as I enter. I place all my gadgets through a container and head through security.

“Good Morning Jeremiah. How are you this morning?” The security officer says.

“I’m hanging in there Kai. How's the fam?” I respond.

“ My girl is gonna be sixteen. Aoi is gonna be sixteen. Hopefully I'll get to see her before she goes partying at that crazy hotel.” Kai says.

“ Where does the time go?” I say gently.

“I don't know but it is going way too fast for my liking. Have a good one Jer.” Kai responds.

I smile and walk away. I place my watch against the elevator button and wait for my ride. The metallic plated doors open and I walk into the speedy machine. I watch the TV on my way up to my office. I stop at the 66th floor and transfer elevators. Each time I wish I was able to use the emergency express elevator from top to bottom. I look out the window to see the sun shining through the windows with the regular smog.

       I arrive at the 106th floor and walk into my floating palace. My desk with lays aside the huge glass window overlooks the whole city. I check the trade market on one screen and answer phone calls. Emails start flying in the second I sit down. I relax in my chair and sip at my vitamin water; my sort of coffee. As I'm reading through My emails, an alert pops up. The headlines read:

          “The continent of North America has went into lockdown. Assassinations  of all members of parliament has been reported in Canada. Followed by the explosion at the White House. Emergency services are unavailable and expected to shut down. The international Government agency have declared anarchy. All government officials are to be evacuated to a safe location immediately.”

My brain takes a long minute to process this. I'm a government official. I need to get out of here. Something catches the corner of my eye. At the other side of Hong Kong harbour I see a massive explosion occur. Hong Kong's chief executive was making an announcement there this morning. I am officially in control of who comes in and out of the city now. A team of bodyguards first out of the elevator.

   “Sir, we need to leave the area immediately. You are a high-value target and have vice executive status if the chief executive is confirmed killed.  Follow us.”

They grab me and I'm escorted to the express elevator.

“ Can someone explain to me what is going on!” I said concerned. No one answered.

“What is going on! I demand details!”  I yelled repeating myself.

“All leaders around the world have just been assassinated. The only people who are of power right now is you and 35 other secretary around the world. The remaining officials have finalized global anarchy. All services are to be shut down. We need to keep you safe until the attacks stop. Then you and the remaining leaders will meet up and regain order in society.”  A masked officer says.

The elevator slows down. We stop at the floor above the lobby. I am escorted with a squad surrounding me down the hallways. Just then, gunshots roar throughout the room. An officer pushes me aside to the wall.

“Ever use a gun?” An officer asked.

“Briefly, your gonna have to help me reload.” I said with fear.

He hands me what looks to be a loaded pistol . It has the words Glock written on the side. Across the hallway when I'm getting a feel for the gun, I see a man fall to the ground and blood start to stain the floor.

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