Christmas Kisses (JeanMarco Christmas fanfic)

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"Oi, Marco!! Where are you?!"
It was Christmas Eve, and Jean was on the phone with Marco. They were heading out to a Christmas party.
"Hold on, Jean! I'm almost ready alright?" Marco said quietly on the other side of the phone. Marco was supposed to meet Jean at his house at 3:00 to carpool to the party, but like usual, Marco always takes his time making sure his outfit is perfect and just how he likes it, which is why he's always late to events like these.
"You better hurry up, we need to leave, like, now!!" said Jean. Marco responded with the usual "I know, I know," and hung up.


It took Marco around another 10 minutes to show up at Jean's house. Marco walked up the stairs to Jean's porch. Once he got to the top of the stairs, he rang the doorbell. While waiting for an answer at the door, he looked around his porch and glanced at the deflated Christmas decorations sprawled out over his front lawn, with patches of snow all around. He wondered what was taking so long? He decided to ring the doorbell once more. He raised his hand to the doorbell and was about to press it, when he saw out of the corner of his eye, Jean's head popping out behind the curtains of his window.
"Oh my god, Jean...! Come out here!" Marco smiled at him. Jean was always a dork even when he wasn't trying to be.
Jean popped his head back in from the curtains and with a short amount of time, was at his front door, smiling at Marco. "You ready now?" he asked.
"Of course!" said Marco.
With this being said, Jean quickly threw on his coat and walked out of his house, closing the door behind him. He scanned Marco up and down quickly. "You look nice, Marco. I see why you took so long now," he said smiling softly."
The freckled boy got a little red and stammered out, "Thanks..!" Marco had never told Jean this, but he has always had a small crush on Jean. He hadn't said anything to him because he's aware of how in-love Jean is with Mikasa. Marco couldn't help but feel a bit jealous sometimes. But he was glad that Jean had noticed his attire that took him so long!
"No prob. Come on!" said Jean. He grabbed Marco's wrist and pulled him towards his car. This really made Marco jump for a second. Was this considered holding hands? Probably.
"I'm coming, I'm coming! Calm down!" Marco quickly followed behind Jean, still getting his wrist pulled by him.
Jean brought Marco to his car and released the grip he had on Marco's wrist. "C'mon! Jump in!" Jean exclaimed, once he had gotten to the driver's side of the car.
They had both gotten into the car-Jean driving, and Marco in the passenger seat. This could be interesting.
Jean started up the car and the radio automatically started playing. All that was heard was heavy metal screamo music at full blast. Marco turned his head to Jean, who seemed to panicked and was hitting a bunch of buttons, trying to turn the radio off. Once Jean finally found a way to turn off the music, he turned to Marco, embarrassed.
"Were you.... listening to that...Jean?"
"Never speak of that. You heard nothing."
Marco turned his head away again and started laughing really hard. "Jean you're such a dork!"
Jean had nothing to say.p He just started to drive away from his house to the party, getting gradually faster, until he was speeding. "Well, could a dork drive as good as this?!" he said smirking, as if he was achieving something great.
Marco just sighed. He really was a huge dork. "Jean, slow down!!" he exclaimed.


Once they had gotten to their destination, Marco was red and his stomach ached from laughing so hard at Jean's embarrassing actions.
"Marco, stop laughing already!!"
"Okay, okay! I'm sorry Jean!" Marco said while still laughing, having a small tear in his right eye from laughing so much. He wiped it away and stood of straight again.
"You done now?" Jean asked, slightly annoyed.
"Yes! I'm sorry. Let's get going?" Marco asked.
Jean nodded.
They were already in front of the Sasha's house, which was the building in which the party was being held. Jean rang the doorbell which caused a tipsy Sasha to open the door.
"Jean~! Marco~! Mannn, what took you guys so long?! We've been waiting for you guys to show up forrreverrr!"
Jean cleared his throat before speaking. "Well. Marco was taking forever to get ready so blame him!"
"Hey!" Marco stammered.
"What?! It's the truth!" Jean said in reply.
Sasha thought they were having an actual argument (they always had dumb arguments like these over dumb things that don't really matter) so she decided to avoid them conversing anymore. She grabbed both of their hands and pulled them inside her house.

Everyone was there. Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Annie, Bertholdt, Reiner, Ymir, Christa, Connie, and of course, Sasha.
Sasha, still holding both of their hands, exclaimed that they had finally arrived and pulled their hands into the air with hers. "Weeeee~!" She dropped both of their hands and ran off to find Connie.
Jean was scanning the crowd of people, when he finally found Mikasa. "Ah! There sh- EREN?! What does he think he's doing?!" Jean started stammering and yelling quietly.
"Jean! Shhhh! Don't get do jealous. They're just friends remember?" Marco tried to calm him down with comforting words.
"Oh, right. Yeah, I guess," Jean said, calming down a bit, but still jealous.
Now Marco started to get a bit jealous; Jean's attention was always focused on Mikasa, even though Jean and Marco are best friends. Marco decided to try to tale his attention off of her.
"Do you want to get some food with me, Jean?"
"Huh? Sure." he replied.
The two boys walked over to the table, where they met Reiner.
"Hey guys," Marco said when they were at the table with him.
"Hey, what're you guys doing?" asked Reiner.
"Just getting some food. What did we miss while we were gone?" Marco asked quickly. He was hoping that they hadn't missed anything important. Jean was eating a piece of pizza and let Marco do all of the talking.
"Not much. A game of Spin the Bottle is starting soon though. Do you guys wanna play?" Reiner replied.
Marco looked over at Jean, who was still shoving his face with pizza. "Do you want to play, Jean? You can sit next to Mikasa..."
Jean's eyes lit up and he nodded quickly. He choked down the last bite he had in his mouth before exclaiming a loud "HELL YEAH!"
Marco looked back at Reiner who was already laughing. "I think you know our answer..." Marco said, smiling.


Everyone had gathered into a circle. The game of Spin the Bottle was about to start momentarily.
Jean wasn't sitting next to Mikasa, though. She was already sitting next to Armin and Eren. Jean was sitting next to Marco and on the other side of Armin, instead. He pouted quietly to himself.
"Come on, Jean! Don't be so upset." Marco patted Jean's back, trying to reassure him.
"I know. It's okay. Thanks, Marco."
"You're welcome, Jean."

Sasha was now in the middle of the circle (still a bit tipsy) hopping up and down. "Okay guys! Who want's to spin the bottle first~?" She looked around at everyone in the circle. "Nobody?"
No one said anything.
Until Connie jumped up too.
"I'll spin it! I volunteer as tribute!"
Everyone sighed at Connie's bad reference.
Sasha sat down and patted a spot next to her for Connie to sit down. "Anyways....." she sighed, "sit down and spin the bottle!"
Connie sat down next to her and spinned the empty beer bottle quickly.
Until it stopped.
It landed on... Christa.
"Eeeeek! Oh my god!" she shrieked.
"Oh man..." Connie sighed to himself. He crawled over by Christa and looked at her. "Ready?" he asked.
"No..." Christa replied.
"Too bad!" he said, laughing. Connie pecked Christa on the lips and laughed. All of the guys in the circle laughed with him and said the typical guy comments like "Nice one, bro!" Connie crawled back over to his original spot and plopped down.
On the other side of the circle Christa was making disgusted faces. "Bleh." she said. "Never again, Connie! Got that?!" she said.
"Yeah yeah, whatever! Who wants to go next?!" he asked.
Again, nobody said anything. "How about you, Jean?" he said, smiling.
"Uhhhhhh... I guess....?" he said, quietly. Jean took the bottle from Connie and spinned it quickly. "I just want to get this over with."
It stopped once again.
The bottle had landed on... Marco.
"Uhh... no! No way man!! We're best friends we can't do that!!" Jean started exclaiming. Marco turned bright red and looked down.
"Awww come on! You have to!" everyone said.
"No. No way!!" Jean said, looking at Marco. He noticed his expression, but didn't say anything. "I can't. That's ...weird."
Everyone sighed.
"Fine. Party pooper!!" Sasha and Connie said together.
"Whatever." Jean mumbled. He looked over at Marco, who was still extremely red and now embarrassed. Marco thought that Jean would actually kiss him now. But that would be kind of weird. Kissing your best friend on the lips, after all... "Oi, Marco. Can I talk to you after this game is over?" Jean whispered in Marco's ear. The sound of Jean's voice in Marco's ear sent a chill down his spine. He looked up at Jean with wet eyes and nodded. "Yeah." he whispered back.

More spins of the same beer bottle went around, along with more shrieks and smooch sounds.
"Hey guys, I'm gonna go to the bathroom," Jean said. He got up and looked down at Marco who was still sitting down in the midst of the circle. He mouthed the words "Come on" to Marco and walked off towards the bathroom.
'Does he want me to follow him into the bathroom...?' Marco thought. Nahh. But he knew he should have left the game to go meet up with him. Jean did tell Marco he wanted to talk to him, after all...

Marco wanted to know what Jean wanted really bad. He got up and made the "I'm going to go get food" excuse. Everyone agreed and let him go. They continued the shrieking and the smooching after his excuse.

The freckled boy trudged his feet up the stairs. He found a hallway upstairs that had various rooms connected to it.
"Jean..?" he whisper-yelled. "Jean where are you?"
"Oi! Marco! Over here!" he beckoned Marco over to a room where he had been in the past couple minutes. Marco trudged over to the room and peeped his head into the room. He walked in and looked around. "Why were you in Sasha's guest room?" asked a confused Marco.
"There was nowhere else to go! And the bathroom is cramped and reeks of alcohol and vomit."
"I know."
"So.. what was it you wanted to talk about?"
Jean grabbed Marco's shoulders and looked up at him. "Marco... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I really truly am sorry! Can you maybe forgive me?" He was looking at him with watery eyes.
"Of course, Jean! It's alright. That is kinda awkward anyways... Heh.. But why are you getting so worked up over this?" Marco asked.
"Because! It looked like you were sad. You were red. I didn't mean to embarrass you. Marco..."
"Jean. Please. I'm okay! I promise. But I need to tell you something..." Marco wanted to tell Jean about how he really feels about him, and he thinks now would be the time. He was right there. Right in front of him. They were alone. The perfect time!
Jean took his hands off of Marco's shoulders. "What is it?" he asked.
Marco gulped and prepared himself to speak, with a quivering voice. He looked down at Jean and began. "Well... for some time now, I've... well... how do I even say this? ...Alright. I'll just say it. I've had a crush on you Jean. For the longest time. I didn't want to say anything because I knew how madly in-love you are with Mikasa. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. If you don't want to talk to me anymore, I underst-" Marco was cut off by Jean.
"No, stop! I would never stop talking to you, Marco. Because, well, I actually really like you too."
Marco's heart stopped. "W-what, re-really?? But what ab-bout Mikasa?!"
"I only used her for a coverup, Marco. I truly loved you this entire time. I couldn't say anything because I thought the same thing about you. I thought you wouldn't accept me."
"Of course I would, Jean!" He looked down at Jean, who was staring at something above his head. "W-what is it....." Marco's voice trailed off when he looked above his head, to find mistletoe.
"Oh, Jee." Marco said, smiling nervously.
Jean looked up at Marco, wantingly. He wanted to kiss him so badly.
Marco noticed his expression and lowered his head to reach Jean's lips. Finally. They both are finally getting what they've been wanting for ages. Jean bit Marco's bottom lip softly and slid his tongue into his mouth. The taste of Marco's saliva tasted nice. Marco was blushing bright red and started to suck softly on Jean's tongue. They were trading saliva for a good 2-3 minutes when Marco had to break the kiss for air. He was gasping for air, while Jean was softly panting.
"Marco... you're an amazing kisser."
"Oh my god, Jean!" Marco hid his face in his hands and blushed bright red.
Jean wrapped his arms around Marco tightly.
"I love you, Marco."

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