The Red, White, and Unglued.

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I never thought I'd see this day.
The country is so divided;
I see no hope of it being saved.
We have been broken by the election process,
split into two for the agendas of people that really don't care about us.
It's puzzling;
People are fighting violence with violence and expect the outcome to be peace.
That makes no sense to me.
The United States of America,
is that what we truly are anymore?
Political parties have this country locked and loaded for a second civil war.

This past year has amazed me.
The election was attack after attack after attack.
Is this where our forefathers wanted us to be at?
This is not about who won or who lost.
This isn't about red or blue.
This isn't about liberal or conservative.
This is about how damned we are as a nation if we come unglued.
We must realize that not everyone will agree with each other.
But, is it really worth causing harm to one another?

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