One Direction, Louis Tomlinson and randomness

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Introduction - Hey guys, I have just joined this website and I'm keen to do some writing on here as I have seen some peoples writings on here and it has given me inspriation to do the same. Please don't judge me, I think I will just write what ever I'm feeling or about Louis and One Direction haha. Feel free to comment, if there is anything that you can think of that you want to say to me about my writing go ahead, just please if you don't like my writing give me a reason for it not just because it is about One Direction or random things that I have just written off the top of my head. I hope you enjoy my writings that I do on here and feel free to comment. Love Emily :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2013 ⏰

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One Direction, Louis Tomlinson and randomnessWhere stories live. Discover now