26 Ways to Annoy Your Teacher

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1. When the teacher calls on you, always say "thats not my name" and sit down looking offended.

2. When the teacher is calling the roll, get everyone to say "Chop!" and when it gets to the last person get them to say "TIMBER!"

3. When the teacher asks you to spell something, say "could you repeat that" as many times as possible.

4. In random bursts in class start flailing your arms then look around like nothing happened.

5. Wear a mask into class, when the teacher asks you to take it off, say "only if you can find out my real identity."

6. Wear Roller Skates to class.

7. Turn the Heater up to 40 degrees (Celsius)

8. Whenever the teacher turns around, get someone to make an obnoxious noise.

9. Run through the halls, when asked to stop, skip through the halls, when asked to stop shuffle through the halls, when asked to stop, frog leap through the halls, when asked to stop, sit down and don't move from that spot.

10. If the teacher calls on you, ask them a question back. For example,

"does anyone know why kangaroos are not invertebrates?"

"Why can't we bring toys to class"

11. Add one different thing to your school uniform everyday, for example, pins, brooches, just enough to get people to notice.

12. When the teacher walks behind you, pull up a webpage about, how to get away with murder or how to tell friends you kill people.

13. Sit in the front row and whenever the teacher turns around copy everything they do, until they turn around again.

14. Make really annoying noises, for example. Rip a piece of paper, a centimetre at a time, drop a pencil a lot etc.

15. Whistle or hum whenever the teacher turns their back.

16. Stuff up all your teachers stationary, Tape scissors together, take the staples out of the stapler and take all spare staples, and then after a while cover their desk in whatever you sabotaged.

17. Bring a pillow and eye mask to class and at a random point put on the eye mask and sleep, don't let anyone 'wake you up' and have people in the class say excuses like "__ is seriously jet lagged" and "__ just finds your class boring."

18. Throw stuff at others in the class and have them throw it to others and continue.

19. Pass notes to everyone in class saying really random things like "I can't wait to find Jemima in the cave." or "What would happen if silly Billy just burst through the door."

20. Doodle in class, when the teacher asks for the paper write something on there like upside down crosses and satanic symbols.

21. Show up 5 minutes later everyday of the week except for Friday, show up two hours late.

22. Don't bring any school things to school

23. Bring the wrong materials to class, e.g. Bring a pencil case to P.E and your runners to english.

24. Turn in your homework 10 minutes late every time you need to until your teacher just expects it, then turn it in after an hour.

25. Ask to go to the bathroom at really inconvenient times for example, in safety class, when talking about serious matters just randomly yell "I NEED TO PEE" and run out of the room.

26. Whenever the teacher leaves the room, walk to the front of the class and start teaching. When they come back in just say "Please be seated" and keep teaching.

Yay the first page is done ^-^ it'll get better i promise

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