The Wicked Game

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"Yukihira, are you asleep?"

Erina finally manages to calmly knock on the redhead's bedroom door after moments of contemplating whether she should, but she has finally decided to lower her pride, this time.

And... several times before.

Yes, this particular event is not uncommon for Nakiri Erina. Some nights when the circumstances just won't allow her to sleep --whether it's exams, endless paperworks, or when the winter simply bites-- she always found himself near the company of this second-rated chef, a term she used to address him.

But things have changed since Hokkaido. Unconsciously, she's slowly been lowering her guard towards Sōma, and he's not the same Sōma she used to see and judge in the entrance exam. Sure, he looks more mature these times and his cooking has grown light years ahead-- she just refused to admit this.

Though there is one last thing Erina denies within herself; she's been seeing Sōma... in a different fashion.

"No, no I'm not. Come in!" He replies casually behind the door.

There it is-- the sound of her heart racing once his raucous voice runs through her ears. She immediately feels her cheek flushed as she places a palm above her beating chest, trying to keep herself together before slowly turning the doorknob and step in.

The door reveals the redhead that's been spinning her head lately, sitting with his legs crossed above the cushion. A strikingly friendly pair of golden eyes greet her and even though it's quite late, it doesn't show any sign of weariness. His knife lies still beside the sharpener, as a sign that he's been sharpening it before she comes. But what steals her attention is how his compact physique is being wrapped with his casual light blue sweatshirt and pants.

And how such simplicity awes her-- out of all golds and glitters.

"Yo, Nakiri! you can't sleep either?" Sōma asks, in his usual neighborly self.

"Try asking a different question the next time I come over, Yukihira." Remarks Erina brusquely-- secretly trying to shelter her guard, "It bores me how you overuse that question."

"Haha, sorry! I'll try better next time," Sōma laughs as he hands Erina a cushion for her to sit on, as usual, "Boy, Nakiri, you really are something else."

As Erina receives the cushion and places it under her, she motions to sit close to Sōma, but then her body hesitates, so she scoots slightly further, creating a gap before she answers, raising one brow, "W-what is that suppose to mean?"

"Nah, don't stress about it," Sōma grins. Not in the smuggish way that irritates her, though. Well, maybe not anymore, "So what brings you here tonight?"

In that question, her body freezes. Truth be told, she doesn't even know why she's here in Sōma's room. It's not exam week, and it's certainly neither a night where she has a lot of paperworks, nor even a terrible snowy night outside. It feels odd to her that earlier, she found herself sleeplessly lying in her bed with her eye on the Polar Star Dorm's clunky ceiling-- she swore it could almost fall on her anytime--, but even though she was staring at the little cracks, her thoughts went to the stupidly charming redhead.

And here she is now, stupidly following her guts without even thinking-- Erina no baka.

Sighing, she tilts her head slightly so she can't see his face, "I... I'm not even sure, to be honest. I simply find it hard to sleep."

"Eh? Something bothering ya?"

Yes, my feelings towards you.

Erina mentally slaps her head for silently answering his question like so. Maybe he's noticed she's acting strange tonight. Oh, how she hopes she's not blushing right now.

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