1.) Introduction

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Entry 1, 11 13 16

Dear Journal,

     My name is Mary Anne. All my friends recommended I start one of these things because, well, they say it helps them with the thoughts they want to express, but not really share out loud. They asked me to start doing one, because they want to have this meet up every week and exchange journals and read entries, so we can see what's going on without having to share.

   Marina thinks it will help with being able to share, without speaking it. After we read the journals, we discuss the entries I guess?

    Anyways ... my name is Mary Anne Kylie Fredricks. I'm nineteen years old and have a two year old daughter named Charlotte, who was the best thing that happened to me. And then Raine, my girlfriend, who's also the best thing that's happened to me.

   I have three pets ... two birds and a dog, and my favorite color is silver. I'm allergic to peanut butter and I love candles.

... that's it for now I guess.

— Anne

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