Mello X Reader (One-Shot)

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{{Charmed Memories}}
Mello X Reader

"Happy Birthday dear______, Happy Birthday to you!"
Your (e/c) eyes lit up as you watched the flames of the candles burn atop the chocolate cake.
They all cheered after they finished sining to you, Who are 'they'? Your best and only friends at Wammy's. Matt, Mello and Near.
It's your 11th birthday and you're so happy that you're spending it with the three people you love most.

"Well ______? What are you waiting for? Make a wish" Near said, his voice had a happier tone to it when compared to his normal monotone voice.

You thought for a moment. There wasn't anything that you really wanted, You had everything that made you happy, your life was practically perfect! How could someone with a life like yours possibly ask for more?

Then again... You really REALLY liked Mello.
'Maybe if I wish for him to like me, he will! Its a really stupid idea but it worth a shot isn't it?'

"Hurry up girly!" Matt interrupted your thinking, he was clearly annoyed, he loved ya, You're one of his best friends, but he hated that he wasn't able to play any video games till this whole birthday party thing is over, and thinking that a stupid wish that Mello would like you could ever come true is just taking up more and more time.

"Okay, okay! Geez Matty, stop being so pushy!" you laugh.
Matt just rolled his eyes, he doesn't mind when you call him Matty, though he wasn't very fond of the fact that that's that nickname you gave him.

You close your eyes tightly and say in your head; 'I wish for him, Mello, Mihael Keehl, I wish for him to love me the way that I love him...'
And with that, You open your eyes and blew out all 11 candles.

~•Time skip to later that day•~

You were at the playground with Matt and Near, Mello would've come with us guys but he said he had something to do.

Near was on the grass assembling a puzzle, as always, You and Matt were sitting on the bench under a tree. As you sat next to him, You leaned closer to him looking over his arm, when you felt a light tap on your shoulder.
You turned around to see Mello.
" Oh, Hey Mello"
You said, excited to see him
"Uh, Hey _____, Can I see you for a sec?" He asked, he sounded nervous for some reason, but it was kind of adorable.
"Y-yeah, sure."
You stuttered. He smiled as you stood up.
"Awesome, follow me!"
He took your hand and you blushed as he started running, You tried to cover your blush with your free arm.

Before you knew it, he had brought you into his bedroom and sat you down on his bed.
"Close your eyes" he said, clearly holding something behind his back.
You did as you were told and closed your eyes. Then, You felt a box get put down on your lap.
"Open 'em" he said and you opened up your (e/c) eyes to see a present about the size of a shoe box, but it was slightly smaller in length. It was wrapped in (favorite color) wrapping paper and tied around it was a big (second favorite color) bow, you looked at it surprised then looked at Mello.
He smiled and said "Well...? Open it!"

You looked back at the present and carefully undid the bow and unwrapped the paper.
You opened the lid of the box and looked inside it.
It was filled with different kinds of chocolate.
Not like a box of chocolate that you'd give a loved one on Valentines day,
Mello had went everywhere he could, to find all your favorites for you to make this gift.

You looked at the chocolates that sat neatly on red tissue paper then at the blonde again.
You smiled and hugged him tightly.
He blushed and his arms had found their way around you and he hugged you back, just as tight and he blushed, You didn't notice his blush though.
"Mello, Thank you. I love it, it's-"
He cut you off, slightly pulling away from the hug.
"W-wait! There's something else too."
You tilted my head confused
"More?" You asked.
"Yeah. Look under the tissue paper"
You moved the chocolate and paper out of the way to reveal a small black box.

You looked at Mello confused again.
He gestured for you to open it, you picked the box up, out of the gift and you opened it... When you saw what was inside you gasped and covered your mouth with your hand and looked at Mello.
He had really out done himself.
"Do you like it..?" He asked shyly.
"Mello... It's... It's beautiful..."
Once again, you pulled him into a tight embrace.
You took it out of the box and Mello helped you put it on.
A silver charm bracelet.
As he put it on, he pointed out every charm and told you what they all represented. You couldn't help but blush as he did so.
"A roll of film for the movie nights we had, a camera for the pictures we took together, a star because you're our star, meaning Matt, Near and I. A chocolate cause well, You could probably figure that out, but also because of how sweet you are. And finally a heart because of how much you mean to me- I mean! Us..."
He blushed and looked down.

You giggled, it was kinda cute, the way that he was all shy and stuff, You've never seen him like that before.
"Thank you so much Mello, This is too much though."
He shook his head.
"Nonsense ______, nothing is too much for you. You're my best friend, next to Matt anyway."

You smiled and stood up.
"W-what are you doing? Where are you going?"
He asked, tilting his head confused. You chuckled, put your hands on his shoulders and you gave him a slight peck on the cheek. He blushed, and this time, you noticed it.
"What was that for..?" He asked, still stunned at what you had just done.
"You truly are amazing Mello. You're the perfect best friend I used to dream of."

A few minutes later, you and Mello back to the playground to find Matt and Near still sitting in their same spots. You all hung out there for the rest of the day.

~•Time skip to 3(ish) years later•~

You sat outside the room, You hear yelling and then Mello furiously slammed through the door and he looked PISSED.

"Mello! Wait! Whats going on..? Are...are you leaving..?"
Tears started to well up in your eyes. He turned around and you could tell, his eyes were threatening to spill out as well.
He looked you sadly.
Mello hugged you and whispered in your ear, "I'm sorry _____. Goodbye...."
You gasped silently. He could tell that he had hurt you.
"G-goodbye...?!" you questioned.
He nodded, kissed you gently on the cheek and ran away, leaving you there to cry and wonder...
Wonder why on earth he'd leave you without an explanation. You fell to the floor, on your knees crying. Matt came up to you and hugged you as tight as he could, putting his DS in his back pocket.
"I am so sorry." He says as he stands up about to run after Mello.
"Matt! No! Please! Not you too! I can't take both of you leaving me!"
You screamed horrified by the thought of them going. He gave you an apologetic look and ran off to find Mello.
Surprisingly, Near came over to comfort you, he held me tightly and rubbed your back trying to calm you down.
"Please don't leave me."
You pleaded.
"Don't worry." He said reassuringly.
"I wont"

~•2 weeks later•~

Its been two weeks since he left... You haven't been the same since he said goodbye...
You always look at the charm bracelet he gave you, You haven't taken it off since that day and you swore you never would.

You we balled up on your bed. Taking deep breaths.
The last words they said to you echoed in your head.
"I...I cant take this anymore..." You sat down at your desk and wrote a letter. A letter for Near.

By the time you're reading this, I'll already be gone. Not dead, just gone.
Im sorry I had to do this through a letter, but I couldn't bare to look at you when I said goodbye.
I cant take the pain anymore. I needed to get out of this place. I want to find Mello and Matt eventually and I want to travel. So thats just what Im going to do. I hope you don't mind, but I kinda stole one of your dominos, you know, to remember you by. You cant tell anyone what happened to me. Please. I trust you to keep this letter secret. Love ya!
Best friends forever... Right?
Yours truly, _______. "

You finished off the letter by putting your contact info as a 'PS' so you wouldn't have to lose him too. A tear dropped as you drew a little heart on the corner of the page.

You packed all your belongings, including the box the chocolate Mello gave you came in. Yes you kept it, you just fixed it up a bit with the same wrapping paper and bow, but used it for different reasons. It now held your jewelry.

Near went out to buy a new puzzle today which meant you could sneak into his room.
You walked over to his desk and picked up a domino. You shoved it in your pocket. You walked over to Nears bed. Your heart sunk to your stomach, just like the day Mello left.
"I cant believe Im doing this..." You said to yourself in a whisper.
You kissed the letter and placed it on Near's pillow so that he could see it directly when he came in.
You left his room and ran outside. You took one final look at your old home and you ran with all your things. You ran and never looked back.

Tears spilt from your eyes again as you thought to yourself..

"I left.... Now what...?"

~•Yet, Another time-skip, SORRY!•~

You sighed.
Just another boring Friday evening.
It has been 3 years since you ran away, but luckily you kept in touch with Near, so you didn't feel so alone. Near is your only friend.
3 years since you came to Los Angeles in search for a new life to forget your past a little, and 3 years that you haven't stopped thinking about Mello. You started to wonder if Matt found Mello in time or not but seeing as you haven't seen him since Mello left, you guess that he did. You also wonder where they ended up.

You had run out of chocolate so you decided to go to the corner shop and get some.
You put on a comfy pair of black skinny jeans, and a plain white T-shirt with a red sweater over it. You tied your (h/l), (h/c) hair into a low pony tail, you slipped on your black converse and with that all done, you grabbed your phone and wallet and made your way down to the shop.

~•5-7 minutes later•~

You walk into the shop and the little bell dinged, alerting the cashier that someone has walked in.
He noticed you and smiled, you smiled back and nodded as a 'Hello' then made your way to the shelf with all the chocolate.

2 minutes after arguing with yourself on which chocolate bar to buy, you hear the little bell dings again and you turn your head to see who it was and did a double take when you saw him.
He had blonde hair cut into a bob and narrow blue eyes.
He wore -kind of tight- black, leather pants and a leather top. You gotta admit, It was kinda hot.
You thought to yourself for a sec.
'Wait that guy looks like Mello would if he were.....'
You paused and widened your eyes.
You noticed that he was coming over to the chocolate next to you and you snapped back to reality.
You try to hid your face with your hair and go back to choosing a chocolate bar.
You glance up at him slightly, he was a good 3-4 inches taller than you.
'Yup, thats definitely him...' You smiled and picked up your chocolate.
Still hiding your face, you couldn't take it anymore, you had to speak up and say something to him!
"E-excuse me... S-sorry to bother you... But is your name Mello by any chance?"
He looked at you, he seemed a bit worried and shocked now.
"How do you know my name?"
He asked grabbing a chocolate bar.
You slowly looked up and revealed your face to him. His eyes widened in surprise, his mouth agape.
"_-______....?" He stuttered.
You simply nodded and smiled.
"Oh my god.. How have you be-..."
He cut himself off.
"Wait... How do I know you're not screwing with me."
You chuckled and rolled your eyes.
Yep. Thats him for sure. He doesn't trust easily.
You rolled up your sleeve a little and showed him the charm bracelet he gave you. You still haven't taken it off.
He quietly gasped.
"Holy crap! It really is you!" He smiled brightly and his eyes lit up. He pulled you into a big hug and your hugged him back.
"Y-you...kept the bracelet...?" He blushed slightly.
"Never took it off" you replied.
"Really...?" He asked happily.
He seemed a lot happier now than when he first walked in.
You nodded.
"I've missed you so much ______."
He said moving a lock of hair behind your ear. Just like he used to.
"I've missed you too Mello..." You put your hand on his.
"I have so much to ask you, we really need to catch up. Would you like to come over, I think Matt would like to see you too."
Did he just say..
"Matty!? Yes! He's here too?" You asked excited now.
He nodded and started to walk over to the cashier. You both placed your chocolate on the counter and you pulled out your wallet but he put his hand on yours telling you to put it away.
"I got this." He said, pulling out $5 and handing it yo the cashier. We took our chocolate and started walking back to his apartment.

"So how'd you find me?" He asked, unwrapping his chocolate bar and taking a bite.
"Luck. I've been here for 3 years now."
He stopped.
"3 years..?! You left early?" He said now sounding worried about you.
"Why...?" He asked swallowing his chocolate. You looked down.
"I ran away two weeks after you and Matt left. I couldn't take being there without you guys, I wouldn't eat, wouldn't sleep. I was broken without you guys. I ran away... To try to fix myself..." You explained. Mello's jaw dropped.
"______... Im so sorry.... I had no idea I meant that much to you!" He said hugging you again.
"I-its fine... Whats done is done now..."
With that, you two continued walking and catching up with each other.

~•15 minutes later•~

Mello opened the door and you stepped inside smelling smoke. 'Matt started smoking...' You said to yourself. You heard the sound of buttons being pressed and heard game music. You saw light flashing from the other room.
Mello threw his keys onto the counter top in the kitchen and closed the door.
"Im home!" He yelled,
No answer. Typical Matt, tuning out the world around him to focus on his game.
"Yo! Come here! Theres someone I want you to see!" He yelled again.
You hear a muffled groan and then feet shuffling the door opened and out stepped Matt.
His red hair was ruffled like it was when you were kids. He still had his googles, which made you chuckle. 'Matt hasn't changed very much, has he..?' You said in your head.
His style hasn't changed either.
He was wearing a black and red striped, long sleeved shirt and denim skinny jeans. He took one look at you and placed his googles on his head walking a bit closer.
"Nice catch Mello? She's hot. Where'd ya find her."
Mello narrowed his eyes at Matt.
"Geez, well hi to you too Matty," you chuckled crossing your arms.
His eyes widened and he blushed from embarrassment when he realized who you were when you called him 'Matty'.
"Matty....?!" He asked walking closer
You just nodded.
"Shit... No way! ______...?" He asked stunned.
"The one and only."
You reassured him.
"But how the.... Never mind" he walked over to you and hugged you lime he used to.
"I've missed you so much..."
He sounded so happy to see you an you knew he was. You hugged him back and said "I missed you too Matty..."
Mello cleared his throat to get our attention.
"Jealous much...?'' You pulled away from the hug and asked Mello, turning towards him putting your hands on your hips.
"Pssssssh! What!? Me? Jealous of you and Matt? No! Never!"
Mello protested crossing his arms.
"Well, we got a lot of catching up to do then." He smiled.
You nodded.

You all sat down on the couch talking
"So who are you here with...? Near..?" Matt asked you and you shook your head.
"Im here alone. I have been since I came here, no friend no family."
You went on to explain how you got here as well.
"Oh my god... ______... I am SO sorry.... I feel so terrible for leaving you there.."
Matt said sincerely. He hugged you and you smiled...
"No friends, or family eh...?"
Mello said with a sly smile. You simply nodded.

"Hey _____...?"
Mello continued putting his arm around you.
"Wanna have a sleepover...? Like we used to do, when we'd all sleep in Matt and I's room?"
He asked eagerly. He bit his lip waiting for a reply.
Damn Mello was cute when he bit his lip. Matt smiled awaiting your answer as well.
"Well... I.... Uhm...." You stuttered.
"Pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaasssssssseee...?" Matt and Mello asked cutely putting their heads on each of your shoulders, giving you puppy dog eyes. You hated that it always worked on you. How could you say 'no' to those faces?!
You couldn't.
"Sure." You sighed in defeat.
"Yes!" They said contently high-fiving each other.
I guess we're having a sleepover then...
You rolled your eyes.
You started and they both turned to face you.
"What..?" Matt asked,
"I need to go get some clothes for tomorrow and to sleep in."
"Er... Yea.... I'd take ya, but my game... And, and Im sure Mels'll take ya. Right..?" Matt said smiling and patting Mello on the shoulder.
The blonde groaned and rolled his eyes getting up. He grabbed his keys.
"Come on." He said walking towards the door, putting on a pair of red combat boots and a black leather jacket that matched his pants. Mello really likes leather, and he looks really good -or hot- in it too.
You got up and ran after him slipping your converse on. As you stepped out and closed the door, Matt ran back to his room and slammed the door shut, going back to playing his game.
Typical Matt.

As you walked down the stairs to the garage no one spoke, you just focused on getting to your apartment.
When you got to the bottom platform, Mello stopped you.
"Wait here." He instructed you.
You nodded and he ran off.

A few minutes later you heard the roaring engine of a motorcycle and Mello rode up to you, he had a black helmet that matched his shiny motorcycle.
He tossed you a black and red helmet.
You put it on.
"Get on." He directed you and you sat on the back of the bike.
"Hold on" he said smirking, he knew you'd have to hold onto him. He clearly liked that idea.
You wrapped your arms around him and tightened your hold on him. He felt your warm embrace and revved the engine as you gave him the okay to start going.

The garage door opened as you two pulled up to it and Mello zoomed out of the garage and down the street.
You felt so safe with him, why wouldn't you? After all this time, you still loved him.
You snuggled in closer to his back, tightening your grip on him. He blushed under the helmet and a few minutes later after all the instructions you'd given him on how to get there.

You two ended up at your apartment. He parked the bike in front of the apartment and you got off him pulling off your helmet.
He did the same and you walked up to the door.

Your apartment has good people in it, its like a community. You don't have any friends there, but you did know people, and people liked you.

You unlocked it and went inside waiting for Mello. It started getting dark and Mello came inside. You walked to the elevator and pressed the little button to bring it down. You put your hands in your jean pockets and Mello came up and hugged you from behind, just like he did when you were kids. You blushed.
"Have I told you how much I've missed you?" He smiled. You just chuckled and replied.
"Hm, don't think so"
"Well I really, really did." He said kissing your cheek. You put your arms over his.
Then the elevator doors opened and inside was a woman with her son. The woman was probably in her early 30's or so her son was about 4. You know them. Her name was Sarah and her son was Jamie. They lived on the floor below you. You babysat Jamie sometimes.
"Oh hello ______." Sarah said smiling holding onto her sons hand. Mello was startled by the sudden presence and let go of you as you let go of him.
"Hey Sarah." You smiled back
"Who's this?" She asked kindly.
"He's just an old friend of mi-" You got cut by a screaming toddler
"_______ has a boyfriend! _______ has a boyfriend!" Jamie laughed jumping up and down.
"Jamie!" His mom said angrily. "Knock it off!" With that, he shut up but he still had a big smile on his face.
"Well, Jamie's gonna be late for his playdate, so we'd better get going. Have fun with your... Friend..." She said and her and Jamie went off.
You face-palmed and walked inside the elevator with Mello. He just chuckled.
"I am SO sorry about Jamie. The little brat doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut sometimes." You said glancing over at Mello who seemed to be smiling.
"Boyfriend huh...?" He chuckled again.
"That might be a good idea one day. Don't ya think?"
You blushed and he realized what he had said and he blushed as well and widened his eyes.
"I-I was just k-kidding." He tried to defend himself.
"Oh." You said, kind of disappointed but you masked it with a nervous laugh.

~•Even I'm getting annoyed with all the time-skips now <.<•~

You got back to Matt and Mello's place,
"Im gonna go take a shower I guess, since ______ is here."
Matt said, standing up and shutting off his game.
Wait... Matt ACTUALLY shut off his game...?
You rolled your eyes, grinning
"Geez Matt, you're such a gentleman." You said with a chuckle as he walked to the bathroom. "Guess I'll set up the blankets, pillows, movies and stuff here then.." Mello said resting against the doorway. "Alright Melly-Bean~ I'm gonna go put my stuff in your room, alright?" You say making your way to his room. Mello blushed at his little nickname "A-Alright.." You walked into his room and put your stuff down, but just in the other room, Mello had an idea.

As if by teleportation, he moved silently behind you swiftly and quickly without you noticing. You felt two slender, yet strong arms suddenly wrap around your torso. Gasping slightly, you turn around to face a certain chocolate-loving, blonde, smirking. You blushed "Need some help?" He asked and your blush darkened at the close proximity between the two of you, he was merely inches away and holding you by the waist, you had to admit though, you kind of liked the position you were in.

"With...?" You asked nonchalantly, giving him the impression you didnt mind what he was doing at all. He shrugged "You know what, never mind, hey... Mind if I do something I've been wanting to do for a while..?" He asked, the smirk still plastered on his face yet you could tell he was just playing confident by the light pink blush dusting his cheeks.
"Sure Mello what is i-"
You were cut off by a pair of lips on yours.
Mello. He was kissing you..
Oh my god! The guy you've loved since you were young is kissing you. Guess he felt the same, you closed your eyes and melted into the kiss, it lasted a few more seconds and pulled away looking you in the eyes,
"So... Uh, wanna give that boyfriend thing a try?" He asked you.
You smiled and hugged him tightly giving him a kiss on the cheek,
"I thought you'd never ask.." You said as he pulled you in for yet another kiss.
Just before you could get to lock lips with your new boyfriend once again someone walks in "Fucking finally! 6 years Mello! Damn, took ya this long to tell her how you feel huh?" Matt stated calmly leaning against the wall beside the door "Dammit Matt!" Mello shouted grabbing a pillow and throwing it at Matt, he dodged it and ran laughing. You giggled and kissed Mello again quickly and grabbed his hand "Come on, let's go set up those pillows." You said pulling for him to follow you, he chuckled and followed you.

For the rest of the night, the three of you watched movies and played video games.
You and Mello were cuddling and kissing, and annoying Matt with it...
Which you two found hilarious.


K guys so heres my Mello x Reader! Hope you liked it, sorry for all the time-skips though -.-'' And sorry, I couldnt think of a better title..

~Comment who you want next and I'll do my best
<3 U
Bunnie- Out!

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 21, 2014 ⏰

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Mello X Reader (One-Shot)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang